Friday, September 30, 2011

"Thy Kingdom Come": Pavement Soul Winning

As last night unfolded I found myself in a bowling-alley-turned-club (only in Atlanta), with the likes of those many would deem celebrities, mixing and mingling. I accompanied a friend to this function, and realized that being there was a portion of my destiny fulfilled. It truly made the essence of my purpose LIVE and in 3-D. Before I get to that, however, allow me to back track momentarily.

Two Words. Waka Flocka.
Before this particular night, I had no clue who or what a Waka Flocka was. So, it was to my surprise when the young man entered the building and the media crews rushed towards him. The entire time I’m pointing and asking, “Is that him”, because remember, I had no clue who this dude was. As his music fanfare marked his arrival, profanity rang out over the sound system. I immediately went into “I don’t like that” mode. However, when I was honored to greet and have a photo opt with the young man I was pleasantly surprised. And this mirrored the sentiments of my entire night. I had a really great time!

Never before had I felt more like my Savior, than this particular night. It sounds crazy, but allow me explain.  In a room full of habitual sinners, my light shined brightly, and a feeling of “this is where I need to be” washed over me. As I recall the ministry of Christ, He was NEVER, not followed by, or not in the company of sinners. Jesus came for the sick; and with the sick, is where you could always find Him. Thus, what blessed my heart the most during this event was that as I made my rounds (passing out flyers and contact info.), one young lady asked if she could have another flyer. Mind you, among the secular event flyers that were being distributed, she asked for a second admission ticket into the free Gospel concert that I was promoting!
I finally see what Christ sees. I finally understand His motivation to lead the lost back to the Father. And even if it’s only one, the Bible says, the shepherd searches tirelessly for the one lost sheep (Luke 15:3-10). Hence, the music that I heard over the loud speaker was not the spirit of the man I met in Waka Flocka. And the reciprocated smiles that greeted me around the room, was a direct indication of the God-breath within every human being.
But, with this revelation also came warning, and the first is to entertainers:
Don’t sell your soul for a quick buck. Don’t speak what’s popular, all for the sake of industry camaraderie and/or celebrity. Be ONLY who God has created you to be. Use your gifts and talents as God originally purposed them—for His glorification and the up-building of His Kingdom.
The second warning is to the Church:
Be mindful of the people, places and events you shun or neglect because of their “unholy” ramifications. Remember, there was someone who had to “search you out”—many times in these very places—in order to bring you out. You were not born saved. Secondly, it is our duty as Christians to bring the lost sheep into the fold. This is impossible to accomplish when everyone in our immediate surroundings are already Baaahhh-ing—you catch my drift?
This post is not an open invitation to go out “clubbing”, or to support artists with mindless lyrics. It’s a call to LOVE unconditionally. Time to bring God to the world and that can only be made manifest through agape love! Let’s save the world ya’ll by taking the Kingdom to the streets! Join me as I proclaim the words of Canton Jones, “I’m going up to heaven, taking all my folks!”
One Love.
Nikki D

Special shout out, and thanks to Block Talk Radio Show/Media with Queen Royalty for allowing me to be a special guest at this event. The experience was not only enlightening, but has rekindled my ambitious desire for “pavement” soul winning.  

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Get Off the Fence!

As an avid thinker, this week has truly been a time of deep contemplation. As I meditate on the truth filled words of the Scriptures, those things that contradict God’s mandates stick out obtrusively. It’s almost shocking, the things that people currently accept as “okay”, or shrug off as not a “big deal”. With that, I’m here to set the record straight! It’s time that everyone understands that it’s officially time to “Get Off the Fence”! Teams are being defined for the final battle, and folks need to make a choice to be on the winning side while there is still time.

In the past couple of days my posts on Facebook have been fueled by some of the articles and media commentary I have come across concerning the Church. Collectively, I am deeply saddened by the current state of Christ’s beloved bride. Compromise has hit the Church with a heightened vengeance, and many have bought the deception. I witness the blatant diluting of God’s truth, as it’s substituted with the “other gospels” that Paul spoke of in Gal. 1:6-9. I also recognize the gradual decline of the “just” that the Bible foreshadows as one of the occurrences that marks the final days. It’s absolutely horrible and hurts me to my core.

People have become so consumed with achieving fame, and arousing lustful whims for the sake of individualism. Oversized egos are the “acceptable” idols of this era. But, this lie concealed in fantasy, forgets to mention that there is nothing independently freeing in being held captive by dark rulers who thrive in carnality. Captivity contradicts the very purpose of why Christ died! He specifically came to set the captives free (see Isaiah 61:1). But, how do you bring liberty to prisoners who are oblivious of the chains that shackle and choke the very life from them? Answer: you keep preaching the Gospel.

God is using me this day to profess that NOW is the time to repent and “get off the fence” of IN & OUT. There are no gray areas in the Kingdom of God. There is no room for those who are partially-Christian, or semi-holy. It doesn’t work like that people. Choose ye today whom you will serve. And for the record if the world is not remotely upset or rebellious against your  lifestyle, it’s probably because you look strikingly similar to them. Check yourself. The folks who are popular in this world ARE NOT popular in heaven. It’s simple; “no man cannot serve two masters” (Matt. 6:24).

Time for a reality check folks, and I’m here to hand you a heavy dose of it. God is not pleased with the state of the Church; He’s coming back for one without blemish or wrinkle. Be not deceived into thinking that your half-hearted attempts at “living for Christ” are not being recorded as falsified shenanigans. God looks at the heart, so He ALWAYS knows the real, internal you. Get it right TODAY Church. Repent and Get Off the Fence! For Christ is soon to come.

Real Talk!

Nikki D

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I May Be Stupid…

“I may be stupid, but I know what love is.” ~Forrest Gump

This simple quote came to me as I was cooking and immediately my mind asked—Forrest Gump? Yes Forrest Gump, the Holy Spirit answered. I begin to ponder on the quotation until the “aha” that I was supposed to understand finally came to me. When I observe the climate of current society, everyone is asking that others be open-minded to their choices and lifestyle decisions. However, when Christians requests the same liberties regarding our beliefs it’s often times disregarded or directly linked with "close-mindedness". And when such opinions arise against Christianity many believers find it necessary to retaliate with verbal warfare. However, we are to fight with our love and not our haphazard lips.

If we momentarily glance at Christianity from the viewpoint of those who mock us, they perceive a unilateral depiction of what Christianity is. By counting Christians they’ve personally encountered as the majority, they sum our faith up as hypocritical and highly theoretical. And from this perspective I would call their assumption correct. (Stay with me now.) I believe that believers have forgotten the very thing that Christ promised would make us a peculiar people, differentiated from the heathens of the world. We have replaced His holy antidote with doctrine, denominations, rules and regulations. Hence, negating this necessary component has created a volatile situation not only in the world, but within the Church, itself.

We have forgotten L-O-V-E people! Love is what covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Love is patient, kind, and keeps no record of wrongs (1 Cor. 13:4-8). Love is the highest commandment given to us by Christ to adhere to (Mat. 22:37-40), and LOVE is how people will know—for sure—that we are Christ’s disciples (John 13:35). I think it’s time that we all take an introspective check and ask ourselves if LOVE is the ultimate priority in our lives. If not, how do we expect to evangelize the world and make disciples?

With that, I expect the world to have sideways comments regarding Christianity. I expect darkness to NEVER comprehend light. But, even with the STUPID things that unbelievers suggest about Christianity, they know what LOVE is. They understand love perfectly because we were all created in perfect love. Hearts connect to hearts, so even when idiots speak against our faith, lure them to the light with love. It’s the only way to truly win souls for the Kingdom of God!

I Love You All!

Nikki D

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dance Moms: Monster On The Loose!

Twisted. Disgraceful. Utterly Perverted. From the terms one would think I was writing about some completely dark demonic force. And I am! But, where I find it is in a place one would least expect; in the confines of a children’s dance studio. I am utterly appalled at what I witness as I watch Dance Moms. For the record, I rarely watch television because of the retarded content, but one would assume that a show about young girls dancing and competing for titles would be harmless—WRONG!

This show truly pushed all the wrong buttons in my spirit as I watch laissez-faire moms subject their daughters to a witch of a woman who belittles and exposes them to emotions, scenarios, and language that children should never be in the midst of. I am completely O-V-E-R unfit parents exploiting their children on television to cash in on a “reality star” paycheck! However, when said “child stars” grow up and turn to unnatural, illegal, and hostile measures in order to gain a sense of the sanity and stability that they lacked during childhood then it’s, “Where did I go wrong?!”

I watched a women (Abby: studio owner)—with no children—use manipulation, rudeness, and guilt trips to drive wedges between mother and child. In thirty minutes of footage I witnessed grown women allow eight year olds to dress in raunchy outfits and perform equally less than desirable dance routines. And when the innocent children had no clue about being “sinful”, as they were instructed to perform, Abby (of course) made it her business to "shed light" on this knowledge. Afterwards the girls were left with yet another piece of their innocence snatched away from them.

Children don’t deserve to grow up before their times, while irresponsible adults sit and allow such subjugation. Where on earth are the people of God who will no longer sit around and let such treatment of the innocent persist? So, many times people look overseas to help, but fail to see the madness going on in our own back yard! Why are our children, commercially, allowed to take the brunt of Satan’s evil twisted sense of humor for the sake of entertainment? I, for one, will no longer sit around when we have been given authority to trample over serpents, and subdue principalities and EVERY dark spirit! I expose the evil spirit today and command that you return to the pits of hell from whence you came, in the name of ALMIGHTY JESUS!


Nikki D

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“Big Sexy”: The Gospel Truth


I’ve just witnessed my first sixty minute encounter with "Big Sexy" on TLC…..

What do I feel? I’m not sure except that I’m beginning to experience the faint taste of bile in the back of my throat. This, bundled with utter sadness at the climate of today’s world regarding where women—specifically BIG women—fit in it. I find myself with a perplexed facial question mark as I watch the show. But, the answer to my visible WHY is strikingly clear. When people, especially a historically ostracized people (see fat folks) are suddenly given a chance to mount the world’s gawking platform to be ogled, exploitation is ALWAYS the result. And this is the case even when truthful “reality” is said to be the goal.

What I notice in this hour long presentation is a band of hurting girls—in one form or fashion. And how they are dealing with the hurts and disappointments of their current realities, is how any carnal human being would. As a matter of fact, I used to be that girl. I used to be the oversexed, emotion-driven, volatile woman who wrapped it all up in a “high-self-esteemed” LIE. It’s a sad reality, but true. And my heart goes out to these women when I hear the true cries of their souls in statements like, “We put up with garbage, but we know that there has to be a present in this garbage heap,” “I get rejected a lot”, or “I’m tired of fighting.”

These are the honest soul cries that surface—full throttle—when the cameras are turned off and the checks have been signed and dated. These internal messages are the residue found under the mounds of make-up, provocative clothing, and layers of false “big-girls-are-da-bomb” soliloquies. What do I see? I see nothing more than beautiful, lost women crying out for a Savior from the madness that they currently—and possibly have always—find themselves in.

I pray that ALL women understand from this message that I leave that God loves you the way you are, and there’s no need to impress Him with pumped-up presentations. Moreover, as a rule of thumb, over-compensation always means that there is lack of peace in some department. I pray that these representative “Big Sexy” women find the solace that they desire at the cross, and stop looking for LOVE in all the wrong places. God is love, and Jesus said that no man comes to the Father except through Me.

So, know, trust, and understand that your eternal joy and peace will never be found at the bottom of a cocktail, at a sleazy BBW singles party, or in empty self-deprecating “fat girl jokes”. It’s only found in our eternal Savior, Jesus Christ.

Signing Off With Love,

Nikki D

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A House Divided: Demarcation Lines in Christendom

After posting a picture of Lil’ Wayne, Soulja Boy, and Kat von Dee on my Facebook page and posing a question regarding Christians and tattoos, it’s amazing the responses received. One picture brought out the opinions of ALL the saints. However, such commentary on the photo revealed the startling reality of the condition of the body of Christ today. We are divided. Hence, there exists Christians who believe in the complete polar opposite of other believers. This should not be if we all profess the same Jesus Christ as Savior. Now don’t get wrong, I do understand that we all must “work out our own salvation” (Phil. 2:12), but there are deep demarcation lines that run through Christendom. Why? How?

When studying the Bible, BC and AD Christians were the most powerful when they were on one accord. Think Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:5-8), Wall of Jericho (See Joshua), Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). These moments were monumental in Christian history; however, they were only impactful because the Christians agreed with one another. The Bible also says, how can two travel together unless they go in the same direction and agree (see Amos 3:3)? This notion is “common sense” simple, but the practice of this verse of scripture is not as “commonplace” today.

Today I find Christians more concerned with asserting themselves, their denominations, or carnality over the pure and unadulterated love and mandates of God. Accordingly, there has been huge compromise that has taken place over the centuries, and this generation is no exception. Actually, I view more blatant compromise in the Christian community, today, than in any other time historically. So then my question for the body remains the same, why?

Why are Christians compromising core “Jesus” values and decrees for the sake of fashion, fortune, fame, and other sensual desires? Why is there a growing need for Christians to be “in” and “cool”, and go unnoticed as anything different from current societal norms? I believe that as Christians we must daily check ourselves with the Holy Ghost’s promptings because we currently look too much like the world! Peculiar people who are “truly” apart of God’s royal priesthood are hard to come by these days. And not because these “compromising Christians” are bad people, or they despise God; no, they have simply conformed to worldly standards because physical reality rings more REAL than spirituality. Thus, many resemble worldly ambassadors rather than Christ’s ambassadors, because the unseen is rather difficult to identify with without proper discipline.

If we are to truly live out the words of the Bible we must make up in our minds that compromise is not an option. What God placed in the Bible—both Old and New Testament—was meant to be used as our perfect guideline. So, to use the Bible in bits and pieces, to justify carnal actions, or as a "feel good" mechanism is not what God intended. And until Christians read the Bible as our only life source, we will continue to be divided on every issue and look shockingly more and more like the heathen.

So, my final question to Christians today is borrowed from the late Original King of Comedy, Bernie Mac: “Who you wit’!” You must answer this honestly because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit already know the true answer to this inquiry.

Think about it and pick a team for good.

Nikki D