Wednesday, July 21, 2010


In a world where money is king and status rules the land, isn’t it great to know that God cares nothing for these things when choosing his elect? He’s not checking credit scores, degrees earned, or bank accounts; He simply looks for a willing vessel. These vessels on the outside may not appear to be anything extraordinary, but when God does a work on the inside we become a force to be reckoned with. The kingdom of darkness trembles at the thought of God equipping yet another individual because when we are willing, we are motivated to the point of no return to have what God has promised.

God readily supplies peace, joy, stability, love, abundance, favor, mercy, grace etc. to those who seek after him. Unlike the cut-throat world, He won’t use you and then cast you to the side when tired of or bored with you. No! The Bible declares that the good work started within you will be completed (Philippians 1:6).

God is so awesome, and I am thankful that his thoughts and ways are supremely higher than those of the world. I love that He takes the least likely candidate, according to the world’s standards, and exalts them with his magnificent glory. God’s plans for his children is unfathomable to faithless minds; therefore, we must be sure to rest in God’s promises and not the facts that surround us. Facts are not to outweigh our faith! God doesn’t view us as the world sees us, so we must start seeing ourselves (our greatness, potential, destiny) from his prospective, and actively live out our faith.

Be Blessed Good People.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thier Thoughts, Your Knowledge

“People will think what they think, but you know what you know; thus, giving you the advantage.”

I felt it very necessary to reiterate a quote spoken to me by God last week. Many of us go through live bent out of shape because of the thoughts and opinions of others. However, gossip and slander are the way of the world. Just turn on the news, click on any webpage, or stroll pass any conversation, and you’ll notice that consistent talk about someone’s (past, present, future) whereabouts, relationships, wardrobe etc. are always up for discussion.

As we grow closer to God, he begins to more precisely reveal the instructions of our assignment in life. When we decided to then act on these instructions, this is when all hell breaks loose; literally! The enemy sends out his best workers to derail our mission. People that have always “been in our corner”, turn into vicious gossips, critics, and naysayers. Things that were once definite are now being entered into the possibility category. It just seems that when we attempt ascension towards greatness, people pull out all stops in their ploy to dismantle and destroy.

However, these comforting words from the King brought such clarity to my life: “people will think what they think, but you know what you know; thus, giving you the advantage.” It made perfect sense. Why be concerned about a completely separate thought process? Those thoughts, and the conversations that may spawn from them, have absolutely nothing to do with what God spoke to you. So, let people think what they may, but you stay focused on what you know to do. Such revelation has, made the love of God intensified in my life. Thus, instead of griping about falsified he say-she say, I find myself praying for mercy on the offending party’s soul because my God is not mocked, and whatever a man soweth that shall he also reap!

Remember that knowledge is far more powerful than negative thoughts. Keep it moving and stay focused.

Until next time

Nikki D

Monday, July 5, 2010

Opposites DO NOT Attract

“Opposites attract.” This commonly quoted phrase is in actuality a skewed perception of reality. Opposites do not attract; and in fact, “you ARE the company that you keep.” So, many of us have bought into this fantasy when it comes to dating or locating a “soul mate”. Many claim to be searching for someone to complete them; fill in those empty spaces where they lack perfection. Thus, it can be quite deceiving when we find someone that picks up our slack. At first glance, it could seem as if they really are the polar opposite of who we are.

Take a quick trip down memory lane and think about all of your failed relationship attempts. What was the ultimate reason(s) for you two parting ways? When I think about my past, words that come to mind describing those people are, insecure, controlling, needy, clingy, etc. These were the things that got under my skin when it came to my relationships with those individuals. However, with further self-evaluation, I realized that these traits which annoyed me, were actually who I was at that time. Such a discovery, made it impossible for me to point the blame solely on them for our relationship meltdowns.

Then I wondered what the Word had to say about such a phenomenon. The scripture that came to me was “light does not comprehend darkness (John 1:5).” Therefore, if you find yourself with someone who lacks in areas where you feel yourself stronger, most likely you have some of those same issues and insecurities within. Moreover, when you constantly attract the same type of personality in your dating life (see “Same person different face”), it may be time for a self evaluation to figure out what signals you are giving off to attract such persons.

We can only be children of light or darkness; and your spirit will attract those similar to you. When the Holy Spirit lives within your heart you expel light to the world which cannot be extinguished. Now, there will be instances when darkness will be attracted to your light (think fly zapper); however, if they are not looking for you to lead them to light, they will be left zapped. Therefore, know who you are people, and the best way to find that out is to look at your company. Show me your relationships (friends, significant others, associates, etc.) and I’ll show you who you are.

Be Blessed

Nikki D