Tuesday, September 6, 2011

“Big Sexy”: The Gospel Truth


I’ve just witnessed my first sixty minute encounter with "Big Sexy" on TLC…..

What do I feel? I’m not sure except that I’m beginning to experience the faint taste of bile in the back of my throat. This, bundled with utter sadness at the climate of today’s world regarding where women—specifically BIG women—fit in it. I find myself with a perplexed facial question mark as I watch the show. But, the answer to my visible WHY is strikingly clear. When people, especially a historically ostracized people (see fat folks) are suddenly given a chance to mount the world’s gawking platform to be ogled, exploitation is ALWAYS the result. And this is the case even when truthful “reality” is said to be the goal.

What I notice in this hour long presentation is a band of hurting girls—in one form or fashion. And how they are dealing with the hurts and disappointments of their current realities, is how any carnal human being would. As a matter of fact, I used to be that girl. I used to be the oversexed, emotion-driven, volatile woman who wrapped it all up in a “high-self-esteemed” LIE. It’s a sad reality, but true. And my heart goes out to these women when I hear the true cries of their souls in statements like, “We put up with garbage, but we know that there has to be a present in this garbage heap,” “I get rejected a lot”, or “I’m tired of fighting.”

These are the honest soul cries that surface—full throttle—when the cameras are turned off and the checks have been signed and dated. These internal messages are the residue found under the mounds of make-up, provocative clothing, and layers of false “big-girls-are-da-bomb” soliloquies. What do I see? I see nothing more than beautiful, lost women crying out for a Savior from the madness that they currently—and possibly have always—find themselves in.

I pray that ALL women understand from this message that I leave that God loves you the way you are, and there’s no need to impress Him with pumped-up presentations. Moreover, as a rule of thumb, over-compensation always means that there is lack of peace in some department. I pray that these representative “Big Sexy” women find the solace that they desire at the cross, and stop looking for LOVE in all the wrong places. God is love, and Jesus said that no man comes to the Father except through Me.

So, know, trust, and understand that your eternal joy and peace will never be found at the bottom of a cocktail, at a sleazy BBW singles party, or in empty self-deprecating “fat girl jokes”. It’s only found in our eternal Savior, Jesus Christ.

Signing Off With Love,

Nikki D

1 comment:

  1. WOw-ABSOLUTELY..You have an infectious way with words! Glory to God & thnx for lighting up the WORLD!
