Friday, May 13, 2011

Know the Difference When Verbiage Rings Similar

There exists an unwavering distinction between the voice of God and that of others who may speak. In this season God is requiring His sheep to fully align themselves with His voice, which we adamantly know (see John 10:27). As the days get uglier and spirits begin to arise with boldness, think it not strange when you notice the most “religious” people speaking out of turn in your presence. Those people whom you always considered to be "one with" the Father. Be not seduced by words that merely “sound good”. But, check their reference and origination.

Words have only two originations and that is either from the Throne of Grace or from a dry place. Know the difference. Simply ask God if this is a word for you, sent by Him, and wait for a confirming response. What believers fail to realize is that a “good word” spoken “out of season”, or at the wrong time, resides outside of the will of God. Therefore, be mindful of what you speak, as well as what you receive from others. Accordingly, I have become extremely selective of what I allow to enter my ear gates because everyone is not to feed you. Understand that no matter how “righteous sounding” someone may be test their words against God’s final authority. Some may view your delayed reception of their words as rude, rebellious, or ungodly. But, know that it is ultimately YOU who is in charge of guarding your ear and eye gates.

Know and fully comprehend the promises and utterances of God by delving into His word. Therefore, you will be less likely to fall for shenanigan fed okie-doke. Don’t believe everything you hear until you’ve gotten clearance from the King of kings. His Word reigns supreme and it should be His that you’re most receptive to. God’s Word is all the wisdom you need despite popular belief! So, stop letting everyone give you their two-cents. Be selective regardless of the chattering backlash!

Nikki D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tricking Unbelievers into the Kingdom

Is it okay to trick someone into believing God or receiving salvation?

This question arose in my spirit during a time of journaling and meditation and the answer that I would give is definitively, NO. When there is a since of trickery involved in the ministry of salvation, then God is not involved in that process. As Christians we need to be mindful of our heart motivations when it comes to evangelizing to the world. Many believers have fallen victim to perverse forms of the Gospel and begin to spread, what Paul termed, “another gospel” (Gal. 1:6-12).

In order for Christ’s salvation to be brought to unbelievers there is no need for trickery or manipulation of any sort. These terms do not resemble the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22); and our holy God operates in nothing outside of His fruits. However, there are Christians who use scare tactics, dooms day messages, and domineering stances to hustle people into the Kingdom of God. This need not be so! I am a firm believer that the pure unadulterated word of God will do the work that it was intended to accomplish. No additions needed. The word alone is sharper than any two edge sword and will pierce and cut the hearts, emotions, motives, thoughts, and relationships it needs to.

Therefore, as people of God we need to be mindful of the phrases that we include God’s name in. When we say things like “God ‘set you up’ for salvation today”, it comes off as if God is a hustler of sorts. Instead just advise unbelievers that this is their appointed time for salvation, as was reserved from the beginning of time. Just think of Esther’s story and how she was elevated to a position of power because God had prepared and anointed her “for a time such as this” (Esther 4:13-14). Accordingly, God will make it clear to unbelievers when it is there time to receive salvation from Christ. It is then their decision as to whether they are going to be accepting of His gift. And, all believers are to do is receive those, in love, who have decided to join the family and continue praying for proper direction (and mercy) for those who have wavered from God’s beckoning call.

We must keep our own feelings and emotions out of the way because our “pushiness”, so to speak, has the detrimental potential of pushing the lost away permanently. And by all means, we will be held accountable for all the lost sheep that we lead further away from the flock because of twisted, manipulatively aggressive, scare tactics. God is love and everything that He’s does is in decency and in order. So our evangelism cannot lack love, decency and order without negating God’s participation. Thus, it’s imperative that we be sensitive to the spiritual realm; detecting and keeping our personal motives in check when it comes to handling one of God’s fragile souls.

Nikki D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Declare Your Name!

In this time and season the attacks of the enemy have become strategic and seemingly non-existent to the undiscerning. However, I have noticed a growing trend in the body, and it comes in the form of false humility. I recall having a telephone conversation with a fellow believer and God had me minister to him about declaring his name. What does such a declaration entail, however? Allow me to explain.

Popularly quoted, but rarely understood, is the passage of scripture found in John 10:10. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” God precisely warns us of our adversary’s tactics. However, since so many Christians think carnally they automatically associate Satan’s stealing, killing, and destroying with physical materials. But, I promise you that Satan does not want your car or your house! What on earth could a spiritual being do with a car? But, what he does want, more than anything, is to rob believers of the confidence that God has placed within us.

There is certainly a wide spread epidemic of down trodden Christians, and this need not be the existence of the redeemed. The enemy has deceived many into thinking that if they downplay their God-given talents, gifts, abilities, and anointing that God will be pleased by this representation of humility. However, such a stance is not humility at all. Our refusal to showcase God to the world through our capabilities is a sick and twisted delusion of the enemy! This is why I beckon Christians that we declare the name that God has given us proudly. Take the example of Paul who was unashamed to declare his name at the beginning of His life changing letters: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God...” (2 Cor. 1:1) Paul’s declaration put the enemy on notice that He understood and believed in the person that God had created him to be. Furthermore, he was showing those who knew his former lifestyle, as Saul, that God could change the heart (and name) of those who believe in Him.

So what am I saying today good people? Declare your name! Don’t allow ill intentioned people (See: haters) cloud your thinking about yourself. Because, it is very possible to be confident and not boastful. When we hold ourselves back from showcasing the full glory of God on the earth we do everyone a disservice. Therefore, declare your name and work your gifts in the full anointing of God! There is someone’s salvation, restoration, deliverance, and encouragement attached to your willingness to boldly declare just who God has made you into regardless of your past!

Be blessed good people and declare your name!

Nikki D

Also read these related Real Talk topics:

It’s Quite Okay to be Great

Conviction vs. Condemnation

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Call It What You Want… But Christian It Ain’t!

As I continue on this road towards upright living and holiness I find myself less tolerant for those who play the role of Christian. “Those who wear the suits and recite the Good News” (“Posers in the Church, Nikki D), but are nowhere near godly. My Bible clearly states that those who love God are obedient to His commandments (John 14:21). Therefore, today, May 4, 2011, I’m putting all posers on blast and proclaiming come correct because play time is over with. I’m tired of fake Christians leading the lost astray because of twisted ideologies, wicked intentions, and prideful motivations. I will no longer sit back and be lumped in the same group as witches and warlocks who grace the pulpits every Sunday morning and preach “a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof” (2 Timothy 3:5). The world is hurting and in need of true salvation, and I’m calling out every demonic, smooth talking, soothsayer who attempts to divert the children of God from Truth.

I have sat silent long enough, but the muzzle of fear has been revoked and cast aside. I will no longer see broken people leave worship services because of church hurt. I will not sit back as “pastors” mount the podium and proclaim that God “doesn’t mind” homosexuality because He loves everybody. I speak against every lie ever spoken over the true people of God and I bind it now. You can call it what you want… but Christian it ain’t! If you “praise and worship” on Sundays with the best of them and then whoremonger throughout the rest of the week without a care, I’m here to let you know Christians don’t do that! We don’t curse, we don’t partake in drunkenness, we don't use drugs, we're not addicts, we don’t engage in fornication, we don’t masturbate, we don’t watch pornography, we don’t listen to and watch things that potentially pervert our Kingdom mindsets, we don’t lie, we don’t, cheat, we don’t steal, we are not manipulative, we are not backbiters, we do not gossip, we do not covet, we are not jealous, we are not envious, we are not homosexuals. You can call it want you want… but Christian it ain’t!

Time out for sugar-coated-ring-around-the-rosy-la-la-land hoopla! Christ is soon to return for His people and He’s searching for those without spot, wrinkle or blemish (Ephesians 5:27). I summon the true men and women of God to stand on your post boldly and join me as I rally for the glory of God to manifest through us; showing the world true Christianity. It’s time to reclaim our reputation as godly people who love and do the right thing because it’s RIGHT! No more compromising to fit into world standards. If you love the world then you hate God because no man can serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). Thus, make your choice today people. What set you claim: The Light or darkness? Let me know because I am no longer accepting invitations and “words of encouragement” from shiesty serpents in Stacy Adam’s suits. I bind everything that attempts to come against the warrior uprising of the True Church; the real men and women of God. All the world is waiting to see our glory on the earth (Romans 8:19). So I declare in Jesus's name that “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Luke 11:2)!

Stop the madness, play time is over! Get right or get left. People are dying and being led astray by “Christian” posers daily and I will no longer stand for it; not when I’ve been given authority over it! Who’s with me?! Because at the end of the day you can call black, white and lust, love…but Christian it ain’t!

Nikki D

Monday, May 2, 2011

When Talent Isn’t Enough

“Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 AMP

As I sit here contemplating the words of the above scripture, I fully understand the dependency that we have on our heavenly Father. It is truly in Him that we live, move and have our very being (Act 17:28) because possessing extreme talent in an area is not the end all, be all. I witness people, myself included, who run on the whims of being talented, but lose steam when the “magic” of it all disappears. What then are we supposed to do in such times; times when vulnerability is an unwelcomed guest? This is, however, the time for us to shine and show just what we are made of. These instances are what become our defining moments; just as it was for Jesus.

Jesus had denied himself food for 40 days/nights, and was definitely in a space of openness and vulnerability. For this reason, I believe that He was sent, by the Holy Spirit, in the wilderness to be tempted. I suggest this because it’s easy to be on your game when you’re “on”, when your talent speaks for itself, when accolades are rolling in like high tide. But, when you have sacrificed and are not necessarily on your “A game”, this is the perfect opportunity to show Satan just who you are truly. It’s imperative that we understand that the tempter comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). And as we read the entirety of Matthew 4, we see that this is just what the devil was attempting to do. He was trying to rob Jesus of His confidence because He was in what can be viewed as a weak moment. He was hungry, there were no praises being offered to Him by onlookers who witnessed His miracles and parabolic wisdom. No, Jesus was tired and seeking God for further understanding as the day of His crucifixion drew nigh.

Therefore, understand that in times of weakness and vulnerability, God assures us that we are made strong if we depend on His word (2 Cor. 12:9). So open your mouth and declare as Jesus did; “man does not live on bread alone!” Understand that yes talent is great, but it’s the inner substance of your core where the real you exists. Fill your spirit with God’s word and declare it daily with your mouth so that not only spectators and tempters hear it, but that you yourself hear it. Lastly, understand that talent can get you to the stage, just has it propelled Jesus from carpenter to martyr, but only the word of God can get you through the closing scenes of completion on your cross.

When all the world turns against you because you are now yesterdays “big Ta-Da” know that God thinks highly of you, and He’s waiting to make you the grand spectacle for His great work.

Blessings Good People

Nikki D