Thursday, September 1, 2011

A House Divided: Demarcation Lines in Christendom

After posting a picture of Lil’ Wayne, Soulja Boy, and Kat von Dee on my Facebook page and posing a question regarding Christians and tattoos, it’s amazing the responses received. One picture brought out the opinions of ALL the saints. However, such commentary on the photo revealed the startling reality of the condition of the body of Christ today. We are divided. Hence, there exists Christians who believe in the complete polar opposite of other believers. This should not be if we all profess the same Jesus Christ as Savior. Now don’t get wrong, I do understand that we all must “work out our own salvation” (Phil. 2:12), but there are deep demarcation lines that run through Christendom. Why? How?

When studying the Bible, BC and AD Christians were the most powerful when they were on one accord. Think Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:5-8), Wall of Jericho (See Joshua), Day of Pentecost (Acts 2). These moments were monumental in Christian history; however, they were only impactful because the Christians agreed with one another. The Bible also says, how can two travel together unless they go in the same direction and agree (see Amos 3:3)? This notion is “common sense” simple, but the practice of this verse of scripture is not as “commonplace” today.

Today I find Christians more concerned with asserting themselves, their denominations, or carnality over the pure and unadulterated love and mandates of God. Accordingly, there has been huge compromise that has taken place over the centuries, and this generation is no exception. Actually, I view more blatant compromise in the Christian community, today, than in any other time historically. So then my question for the body remains the same, why?

Why are Christians compromising core “Jesus” values and decrees for the sake of fashion, fortune, fame, and other sensual desires? Why is there a growing need for Christians to be “in” and “cool”, and go unnoticed as anything different from current societal norms? I believe that as Christians we must daily check ourselves with the Holy Ghost’s promptings because we currently look too much like the world! Peculiar people who are “truly” apart of God’s royal priesthood are hard to come by these days. And not because these “compromising Christians” are bad people, or they despise God; no, they have simply conformed to worldly standards because physical reality rings more REAL than spirituality. Thus, many resemble worldly ambassadors rather than Christ’s ambassadors, because the unseen is rather difficult to identify with without proper discipline.

If we are to truly live out the words of the Bible we must make up in our minds that compromise is not an option. What God placed in the Bible—both Old and New Testament—was meant to be used as our perfect guideline. So, to use the Bible in bits and pieces, to justify carnal actions, or as a "feel good" mechanism is not what God intended. And until Christians read the Bible as our only life source, we will continue to be divided on every issue and look shockingly more and more like the heathen.

So, my final question to Christians today is borrowed from the late Original King of Comedy, Bernie Mac: “Who you wit’!” You must answer this honestly because God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit already know the true answer to this inquiry.

Think about it and pick a team for good.

Nikki D

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