Friday, September 30, 2011

"Thy Kingdom Come": Pavement Soul Winning

As last night unfolded I found myself in a bowling-alley-turned-club (only in Atlanta), with the likes of those many would deem celebrities, mixing and mingling. I accompanied a friend to this function, and realized that being there was a portion of my destiny fulfilled. It truly made the essence of my purpose LIVE and in 3-D. Before I get to that, however, allow me to back track momentarily.

Two Words. Waka Flocka.
Before this particular night, I had no clue who or what a Waka Flocka was. So, it was to my surprise when the young man entered the building and the media crews rushed towards him. The entire time I’m pointing and asking, “Is that him”, because remember, I had no clue who this dude was. As his music fanfare marked his arrival, profanity rang out over the sound system. I immediately went into “I don’t like that” mode. However, when I was honored to greet and have a photo opt with the young man I was pleasantly surprised. And this mirrored the sentiments of my entire night. I had a really great time!

Never before had I felt more like my Savior, than this particular night. It sounds crazy, but allow me explain.  In a room full of habitual sinners, my light shined brightly, and a feeling of “this is where I need to be” washed over me. As I recall the ministry of Christ, He was NEVER, not followed by, or not in the company of sinners. Jesus came for the sick; and with the sick, is where you could always find Him. Thus, what blessed my heart the most during this event was that as I made my rounds (passing out flyers and contact info.), one young lady asked if she could have another flyer. Mind you, among the secular event flyers that were being distributed, she asked for a second admission ticket into the free Gospel concert that I was promoting!
I finally see what Christ sees. I finally understand His motivation to lead the lost back to the Father. And even if it’s only one, the Bible says, the shepherd searches tirelessly for the one lost sheep (Luke 15:3-10). Hence, the music that I heard over the loud speaker was not the spirit of the man I met in Waka Flocka. And the reciprocated smiles that greeted me around the room, was a direct indication of the God-breath within every human being.
But, with this revelation also came warning, and the first is to entertainers:
Don’t sell your soul for a quick buck. Don’t speak what’s popular, all for the sake of industry camaraderie and/or celebrity. Be ONLY who God has created you to be. Use your gifts and talents as God originally purposed them—for His glorification and the up-building of His Kingdom.
The second warning is to the Church:
Be mindful of the people, places and events you shun or neglect because of their “unholy” ramifications. Remember, there was someone who had to “search you out”—many times in these very places—in order to bring you out. You were not born saved. Secondly, it is our duty as Christians to bring the lost sheep into the fold. This is impossible to accomplish when everyone in our immediate surroundings are already Baaahhh-ing—you catch my drift?
This post is not an open invitation to go out “clubbing”, or to support artists with mindless lyrics. It’s a call to LOVE unconditionally. Time to bring God to the world and that can only be made manifest through agape love! Let’s save the world ya’ll by taking the Kingdom to the streets! Join me as I proclaim the words of Canton Jones, “I’m going up to heaven, taking all my folks!”
One Love.
Nikki D

Special shout out, and thanks to Block Talk Radio Show/Media with Queen Royalty for allowing me to be a special guest at this event. The experience was not only enlightening, but has rekindled my ambitious desire for “pavement” soul winning.  

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