Saturday, September 17, 2011

I May Be Stupid…

“I may be stupid, but I know what love is.” ~Forrest Gump

This simple quote came to me as I was cooking and immediately my mind asked—Forrest Gump? Yes Forrest Gump, the Holy Spirit answered. I begin to ponder on the quotation until the “aha” that I was supposed to understand finally came to me. When I observe the climate of current society, everyone is asking that others be open-minded to their choices and lifestyle decisions. However, when Christians requests the same liberties regarding our beliefs it’s often times disregarded or directly linked with "close-mindedness". And when such opinions arise against Christianity many believers find it necessary to retaliate with verbal warfare. However, we are to fight with our love and not our haphazard lips.

If we momentarily glance at Christianity from the viewpoint of those who mock us, they perceive a unilateral depiction of what Christianity is. By counting Christians they’ve personally encountered as the majority, they sum our faith up as hypocritical and highly theoretical. And from this perspective I would call their assumption correct. (Stay with me now.) I believe that believers have forgotten the very thing that Christ promised would make us a peculiar people, differentiated from the heathens of the world. We have replaced His holy antidote with doctrine, denominations, rules and regulations. Hence, negating this necessary component has created a volatile situation not only in the world, but within the Church, itself.

We have forgotten L-O-V-E people! Love is what covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Love is patient, kind, and keeps no record of wrongs (1 Cor. 13:4-8). Love is the highest commandment given to us by Christ to adhere to (Mat. 22:37-40), and LOVE is how people will know—for sure—that we are Christ’s disciples (John 13:35). I think it’s time that we all take an introspective check and ask ourselves if LOVE is the ultimate priority in our lives. If not, how do we expect to evangelize the world and make disciples?

With that, I expect the world to have sideways comments regarding Christianity. I expect darkness to NEVER comprehend light. But, even with the STUPID things that unbelievers suggest about Christianity, they know what LOVE is. They understand love perfectly because we were all created in perfect love. Hearts connect to hearts, so even when idiots speak against our faith, lure them to the light with love. It’s the only way to truly win souls for the Kingdom of God!

I Love You All!

Nikki D


  1. Thank you, wonderfully said. I truely believe that love makes the difference, more and more today the word is coming forth and confirmation of each message saying love one another, stop all the strife and bickering with each other. Come together in love, God loves us unconditionally and expects us to be more like him. Stop by and share with us; Also read, enjoy and follow me:

  2. Well, it's hard to love idiots, I reckon, but then, Jesus wouldn't have had to die if saving us was easy. Am I making sense?

  3. So true Marie! Love is the God-prescribed elixer for the world's past, present, and future pains.

  4. @Arie...well of course it's tough which is why we can't do it within our own power. This is precisely the reason for Christ's death, so that He would have ALL power to help us.
