Monday, August 22, 2011

What About Your Friends?

“A despairing man should have the devotion of his friends, even though he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.” Job 6:14 NIV

In my reading the above verse of scripture jumped out to me with alarming intensity. Now many are familiar with the story of Job, and the terrible afflictions that he suffered during his testing. In the midst of these trials, however, he tenaciously modeled his faithfulness by never turning against the God who gave him life. Hence, Job’s example is a testament of true Christian endurance. However, his tribulations also revealed the need and importance of community.

In times of darkness and turmoil, in addition to faith in God, we need friends—true friends. Job made this longing starkly apparent when he revealed the importance of true fellowship with genuine confidants. The Message translation boldly states Job’s viewpoint: “When desperate people give up on God Almighty, their friends, at least, should stick with them”. Wow! This passage shows that we ALL—regardless of how together we are—need people we can discuss the ugly things with; those whom we remove our “church masks” around. As true friends, we are to be the representation of Christ to those in despair when they have all but given up on Christ.

Sometimes the task of serving an invisible God is daunting when persecution kicks into overdrive. It’s impossible to bear such burden individually, which is why from the beginning of time God said “it is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). He knew we would eventually need companionship to get through the tough times that we face in this perverse world. So, then the question remains, are you the type of friend willing to go into the trenches with your brother and sister during times of need? Are you the one helping friends in harsh conditions in spite of your own gnawing needs?

God looks at this sacrificial friendship and honors it. For, it is at these times that we most resemble His Son, Jesus Christ. So, the next time that you complain about your lack of genuine, real, self-less friends, check your mailbox and make sure that you resemble the type of friend that you desire. We must first BE whom we desire to attract! Remember opposites do not attract!

Friends—how many of us have them?

Nikki D

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