Saturday, August 20, 2011

Spiritual Weight Loss: Day 5

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

God has truly been good to me for as long as I can remember, and this week has not been any less filled with His goodness. As you all follow me on this weight loss journey, I feel it necessary to document the importance of spiritual weight loss as well. As I fight the “battle of the bulge” through proper eating and regimented exercise practices, I am certain not to forget the Harness that holds all these initiatives together. For, this reason instead of today’s morning physical exercise, I attended church for some spiritual exercise. It’s important to understand that all the physical stamina in the world will not—and I repeat WILL NOT—breed success. If will power were enough then there would be a no need for a Savior.

It is only in God that I have strength to daily pursue the great task at hand. He beckons me to cast my cares on Him, which makes the journey that much lighter and palpable. Without God as my anchor I would have already given up and been satisfied with defeat. But, God’s Holy Spirit is what keeps me motivated when I’m emotionally and physically drained. Tapping into His eternal power source is what keeps me afloat in every undertaking that He requires of me—and losing weight is no different.

Therefore, I must stress the importance of proper spiritual nutrition and exercise as I take action in the physical. Because understand that your physical appearance, demeanor, outlook, etc. is a direct reflection of what’s going on with you spiritually. Hence, it was only a “supernatural” progression that I wanted my outside to mirror the baggage-free-weight-loss and freedom that is taking place on my inside.

Build yourself up daily with God’s word, and your outside will begin to resemble your spiritual strength and freedom.

Nikki D

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