Monday, April 18, 2011

Sinners Will Be Sinners

An interesting topic came up yesterday in a phone conversation with my sister. We were conversing about several subjects, and then, the inevitable discussion, about how “church folks” need to get a grip on reality surfaced. This reality is that Christ is soon to return for His church without spot or wrinkle. However, what struck me as different in this conversation was when my sibling quoted a phrase from a sermon she had watched earlier that week. She said that “people cannot fault sinners for acting like sinners because they don’t know any better.” Wow, was all I could say in response to this quotation because it was definitely valid.

As I began to meditate on this phenomenon it became apparent to me that we as Christians are not on our posts as we should be. We are allowing internal character discrepancies to be swept under the rug, and are not representing Christ as His true ambassadors to the world. Thus, it’s no wonder that sinners can be in the presence of self- proclaimed “Christians” and feel absolutely NO CONVICTION to turn from the error of their ways. This is repulsively the case because nowadays sinners and saints play in the same cesspool of sin! And sinners who are desperately seeking Christ are reluctant to come to church because of unjust judgment they encounter by hypocritical believers.

Subsequently, the record stands that just because ones sins are not outwardly apparent, does not mean they go unaccounted for by God. He sits high and looks low. And God is at His breaking point for letting BOGUS Christians continue to fraudulently perpetrate His name and lead His lost sheep into eternal damnation. So, understand that sinners will speak, think and behave like sinners, but there should be a change when they come into contact with “Real Christians.” You could be the only God that they encounter, and I f you are misrepresenting the Kingdom and lead them astray, know that God is not pleased.

Get your sin problem fixed and then go out and introduce others to the Antidote of sin. The blood of Jesus is the answer, and His love covers a multitude of sins.

Let’s get real about God and our service to Him and His people!

Nikki D

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