Friday, April 15, 2011

Miss Not Your Grace Period

There are moments in our lives when we choose to march to the beat and rhythm of our own drum. During which, we believe ourselves knowledgeable (enough) outside of the wisdom of God. This is more evident as the world continues to evolve and become more independent of biblical teachings, and lean on personal philosophical and theoretical understanding. However, what unbelievers fail to realize is that there is a grace period that is quickly approaching its ending. And what I mean by this can be examined in St. John 6: 65-6:

“And He said, This is why I told you that no one can come to Me unless it is granted him [unless he is enabled to do so] by the Father. After this, many of His disciples drew back (returned to their old associations) and no longer accompanied Him.” (Amplified Bible)

In this section of scripture Jesus was being brutally honest with His disciples and those who were following Him because of the miracles they witnessed Him perform. He told them, basically, that even though you are zealous about what you are seeing me do and you follow me now, many will betray and turn from me. And why? Because during the grace period given by the Father to truly accept Christ as their Savior they were more concerned with how Jesus could feed their physical man.

God only allows us a grace period of time when He opens our hearts to be fully receptive to the words of Jesus Christ. He enables us in that time to fully understand the teachings of His Son. However, if we use that time to see what we can "get out of" Jesus instead of seeking the very essence of His spirit, we miss out. With that said, I urge you to allow not your grace period of truly accepting Christ into your heart because of your being distracted by carnal motivations. The Father only provides (and enables) us with an allotted amount of time for us to "get it". But at the end, it’s up to us to accept it.

It grieves my spirit to think of those whose grace periods for understanding and acceptance of Jesus Christ are coming to an end. However, I am more deeply sadden by those individuals whose period has now expired, and like the disciples in the above passage, they have turned away to follow Christ no more. And the more startling reality is we don’t know if God will ever open up that grace period for them again to be saved by Christ.

Don’t miss your grace period people! Accept Christ as your Savior today! Despite popular belief He is real and He is soon to return for those who wisely chose during their period of grace. So, now’s the time for you to be included in the family as well. If you choose to accept Jesus today as your personal Savior please repeat aloud the following prayer:

Lord I am a sinner in need of a Savior and I know that this is my moment of grace to receive salvation. I have heard of you before, but now I want your words to be planted deep within my heart and not be just another passing whimsy. God I believe that you sent your Son Jesus to die for my sins and that you raised Him from death on the third day. And for that, this day I willingly choose You!

If you have prayed that prayer welcome to the family! We are glad to have you join us. I recommend now that you ask God to lead you to a Bible-based church, and that you began studying your bible in quiet time (I recommend starting with the book of St. John).

God bless you good people! And don’t let God’s grace pass you because of unwillingness to receive.

Nikki D

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