Monday, September 27, 2010

It Ain’t Just Lindsey Lohan! (Image Is Not Everything)

“The images that are carried about are burdensome, a burden for the weary. They stoop and bow down together; unable to rescue the burden, they themselves go off into captivity.” Isaiah 46:1-2 NIV

As I read a few chapters in Isaiah a couple verses stuck out to me beginning in chapter 46. God was warning Israel about their disobedient use of idols; mentioning that they are relievers of nothing and actually cause burdens and captivity. The NIV version of this scripture substituted the word idols with images which immediately struck a chord with me. I began thinking about the images that so many people build in order to become, themselves, gods; governing and shaping their own destiny. Accordingly, Christian Humanist have a similar philosophy to that of current pop culture. They believe that we (humans) have the power within ourselves to shape and control our destiny. Furthermore, they remove God from His supreme position, and give Him instead the job title of an Overseer who merely watches from above while humans exercise the real power. But, as mentioned in Isaiah these facades that are built under extremely false pretences become heavy burdens for those that buy into the hype.

I think of Lindsey Lohan and many others who have been plagued by the image-building-business necessary (by worldly standards) for survival in Tinsel Town. “Image is everything” is the heavily quoted mantra in several circles. Individuals even make entire careers out of creating other people’s images; they style your clothing, pump you with proper answers for interviews, prep you for impromptu paparazzi photo shoots etc. Thus, these consultants get paid to create personalities, and the looks to match them. But, what they don’t teach clients is how to remain whole after the cameras stop rolling, doors are closed, and one is left with real life to cope with. Moreover, Lindsey Lohan doesn’t understand that God is the only Way to the peace that she longs for, and not the boozing and addictions (of her image) that keep leading her into captivity! Sadly, this is the reality for many in today’s society. We rather focus on creating pristine outer images while our internal selves rot and corrode from improper spiritual nutrition. And Christians are just as guilty of this sick trend!

People are looking for answers that won’t buckle when all else fails; people are looking for Jesus, regardless of what they believe they are in search of. But, with Christians buying into the latest juicy gossip along with the world instead of praying that God provide answers to those who are lost, how will there ever be change? It’s time that phony images be busted to the white meat and revealed for what they really are; fake and dangerous. And they must be replaced with truth people of God! So take your mouth off of those that you have absolutely no clue what they are battling unless it’s a sincere petition to God to send help their way! Otherwise, shut your traps because I’m more than sure that just like individuals in the limelight, you are also carrying around burdensome images that can only be removed and delivered by God. Remove the tree from your own eye before you attempt to pick the splinter out of your brother’s. It’s time to cast out images people and allow God to reveal who He truly desires you to be!


Nikki D

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