Saturday, October 2, 2010

Show Love First, Scriptures Later!

The Bible prophesies that in the end times there will be a great falling away in the body of Christ. It is my belief that this turning away from God has a lot to do with the current dynamics of the modern church. Within the sanctuary there is a vast influx of what I like to call “Bible Beaters”. These individuals have good intentions because they want to teach and convert the lost, but their approach is all wrong. Where a lot of seasoned Christians fall short is in the listening department. When sinners enter the church it’s an immediate pouncing that takes place on those who may only be looking for a hug at that particular moment. But, many miss these subtleties that are revealed by the Spirit because we are too busy trying to force feed scriptures to the “godly-malnourished”. Just think of a baby for a moment. During feeding times there are instances when Baby resists eating, now as a good parent you wouldn’t shove the spoon down the baby’s throat. No you would chug-a-chug-a- choo- choo (train sounds) until the baby associates eating with something fun and pleasurable. Once you reach this stage during feeding it becomes effortless, and much easier to introduce new food selections.

Therefore, people of God let’s follow the ministry of Jesus Christ during His time on earth. He had to be a pleasurable person to be around because so many diverse people followed Him and even invited Him to their households (see tax collectors, prostitutes, etc.). What Jesus has is love; He openly showed this to people from all walks of life. He didn’t immediately start quoting scriptures and pouring oil on sinners; He would be genuine and welcoming first! After He became acquainted with individuals (and they were comfortable in His presence) then He would teach them things of God. Furthermore, Jesus was so successful in His conversion of the lost that it aroused a growing suspicion among (get this!) the church folks. The church had more beef with Jesus (see Pharisees) than the lost world. Why?

The answer is very simple and is still relevant today. So many believers have been overtaken by the spirits of envy, jealousy, and pride that there is no longer any room for Christian love. Many “saints” are too busy wrongly judging others, while missing the prideful perspective from which they judge. Moreover, there is an influx of believers who thrive on making themselves feel better by downing those whose sins are on the surface. In turn, forgetting that if it had not been for the blood of Jesus they would strikingly resemble Mr. or Mrs. Such-and-Such. Get off your high horses people of God and let’s get back to the grass roots of ministry. Let’s show the world love first and scriptures later. Let’s actively listen to people and not just be preparing our rehearsed “holy spiel” within our minds. People will know when your evangelizing originates from a place of love or self righteousness. It’s time that we check ourselves (motives) before we wreck not only ourselves, but the lost as well.

We will be held accountable for our works. Make sure your love is genuine and your words are purely motivated! Remember when you show love you show God because He is love. Make sure your representation is bankable!

Be blessed good people.

Nikki D

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