Sunday, May 23, 2010

The "Follow Me" Generation

This is truly the age of “follow me, and see what I’m doing with my life”. With Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, reality television, etc, it’s a wonder how people ever have time to evaluate what’s going on in their personal lives. Many would rather candidly watch someone else’s life unfold (myself included). However, as I sat contemplating the tattoo that I saw on someone that read: “Follow Me”, with the Twitter bird, it dawned on me the greater travesty really occurring in the world today.

People are searching for someone/something to follow. This necessity is embedded in us because we were created to worship. God’s preference is that we worship and follow Him, but if we decide not to we WILL FOLLOW some movement. More startling is the constant need for so many to be seen (followed) by others. People go through obsessive measures to up their fan followings on these social networks. But, what so called “fans” end up subscribing to lacks substance.

I’m not sure about you, but my life could do without the constant useless updates like “I just got home” or "what was so and so thinking when she wore this or that?” How is this really bringing value to my life? But, now I see that this was the point all along. The system of this world is designed to lure people away from God by any means necessary. Therefore, instead of reading the Word, communing with God, and walking in His Spirit, we become obsessed with he said, she said hoopla dubbed “Facebook Drama”! Really?! You got to be kidding me!

If you really want people to follow you, let it be for a more legitimate and eternal reason. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19 “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Therefore, follow Jesus, and you will have plenty of people following the Christ in you. Chirp back (or should I say Tweet back?) if you feel me! Thanks for the wake-up call God!

I’m out!

Nikki D

Friday, May 21, 2010

Get Connected!

It becomes so easy for some Christians to point the fingers at those whom they would label as unbelievers. They mark these individuals as those who are blatantly sinful without remorse or regard for morality or holiness. However, in my observation of those who proclaim to be Christian, when genuinely expressed, their proclamation carries weight. You not only hear their declaration you feel that thing as well. This weight, subsequently, is only present when the Holy Spirit resides within. Therefore, rocking a Jesus shirt with no Jesus inside, is false advertisement!

What many fail to realize is that God looks at the heart of man; therefore, He examines the motives behind everything that we do, say, and think. Thus, when one’s motives are not pure in intention there is no association with Christ or the body of believers because the Holy Spirit’s intentions are ALWAYS HOLY. Simply stated, you (your actions, words, motives) will reflect the spirit operating within. The question then arises: are we talking about the Word, or are we the Word because it's operating on our inside? Therein lies the difference.

This is why unbelievers are given the room to mock the Christian faith because so many imposters wear the mask of Christianity. BUT (and this is a big BUT!), Jesus is coming back for a church (body of believers) without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:27). And in order for you to be found in this state, you must be connected to the body through the [only] Holy Spirit! Your talk game won’t work with the Creator! Madam and Sir, God does not care how many scriptures you know, how many early morning services you attended, or how many church auxiliaries you are a member of, if you’re not connected (through His Spirit) HE KNOWS YOU NOT! And sadly, without the Holy Spirit within you never knew Him…

Get Connected!

Activate the Message (Prayer):

God I want to be connected to you more intimately through your Holy Spirit. I want to walk this Christian lifestyle and no longer just give you lip service. I want to be apart of the body that you return for, so this day I accept your Spirit fully, allowing it to envelop my very being. Let your Holy Spirit permeate me to the fullest. I thank you for the connection made today with you. In Jesus name, Amen.



Sunday, May 16, 2010

Questions: Maybe You Can Help Me With the Answers

Everything that God is capable of doing has been proven in His word. He has proven that He can save; He can deliver; He can set free; that He can do exceedingly abundantly above all that one can ask or even think (Ephesians 3:20). He has proven that He can bring peace to a weary land (Isaiah 32:1-8). However, what is it that you can prove, today, that you can do for God?

Can you sit and be still long enough to know that He is God?
Can you refrain from your own will to follow Him?
Can you have enough faith to trust in His excellence when the circumstances look subpar?
Can you do what He asks of you without question or rebuttal?
Can you go when He says go, move when He says move, love when He says love, give when He says give?
Are you willing to go to the ends of the earth to show yourself approved, and to prove your loyalty to God?

Are you really willing? Not just lip service or showtime/primetime service willingness, but are you even willing to prove yourself behind the scenes with no recognition?
Are you willing to continuously do what’s right in the corner, in the dark, behind closed doors to prove yourself worthy?
Are you willing to look fear in the eye even with trembling in your legs and proclaim that for God I live and for God I die?
Are you willing to leave those things, people, and surroundings that are comfortable to live approved in the eyes of God?

What exactly are you willing to do for God? What are you willing to give up for God? What are you going to do for God to prove yourself worthy of His blessings, His outpouring of admiration, His mercy and kindness, His willingness to give an undeserved second chance? How are you willing to prove yourself to the One who has continuously proven Himself to you?

Pray this prayer:

God this day I want to prove myself to you fully. I want to give myself to you, and die to my own will; that I may be resurrected as a new creature in you. I want to prove my loyalty, love, affection, and honor to you through my actions. This day I will take in to account these questions which have been asked, and daily make progress (with the help of your Spirit) to prove myself to you. Hold me accountable for my place in your family because no longer will it be acceptable to be a bench warmer. Help me to prove myself worthy and show myself approved.

In Jesus name, Amen.

God is holding us accountable.

Nikki D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Take Off the Church Hat and Loosen the Tie!

I’m a fun loving individual, so why would that change because I now imitate Christ? It won’t! I love to laugh, crack jokes, dance, listen to music, cook for friends and family, and just be around good people! God in my life has only enhanced my love for all of these things! So many individuals think that once they get saved they must discard all the things about their “old self” and then become some stern religious prude! Not true. The things inside of you were placed there by God, but when you were in the world you were not using them for His glory. Now you just have to flip that thing. For example, instead of dancing in the club, I dance at church (or anywhere for that matter lol)! My dancing is just an expression of the joy that I now have fully (see: David dancing out of his clothes). I still blast my music and sing at the top of my lungs when I get the urge.

It bothers me that so many Christians discard the subtle nuances that Christ specifically and purposefully designed for them. Your identity is found IN Christ people! He will amplify those things that you love and receive the glory out of everything that you do. He calls us the apple of his eye; therefore, what makes you think that God doesn’t want us to have fun? He changes our desires for the righteous things in life when we allow him to direct our paths.

The world is looking for an alternative to the constant grind of living without Christ, but why would they approach someone who is SO SAVED that they don’t smile or laugh?! And just like that you have missed the chance to draw one of God’s little ones into the fold. Loosen up people and understand there is a time and place for everything! Take off your church hats, loosen the neckties and stop being Pharisees! Smile, have fun, and watch how many more lost souls will be drawn to the Christ in you!

Love you all!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Idolatry by Another Name: Fraternities and Sororities

This one may sting a bit, but conviction leads to correction. This post is for all of my sorors and frats. It is imperative that you understand that to worship any other form, organization, pledge, oath etc other than God Almighty is a form of idolatry. Now I already hear the objections that many may have, but when you look at the facts and reference the history, practices, and oaths of these organizations with the Word of God IT IS WHAT IT I-S IS! Idolatry by another name.

As I sat and watched the circle of sorority sisters sing to and embrace the sisters who had graduated, something about the whole festive nature of the event disturbed me. There had to be about 30 or so girls of different ages, and they sung a medley of, at least, ten songs. As I listened to the lyrics and observed the dances that accompanied them, I never once heard the mention of God. The songs lifted up the name of the sorority, the animal which represented the organization, and the date in which the group was founded. Now I am a very logical person; thus, for one to stand (in high heels might I add), sing and dance in 90 degree weather to some animal who has no power, is insane to me! Moreover, what makes this any different from the people of Israel in the wilderness who built, worshiped, sang and danced around the golden calf while Moses was on the mountain?

Now I understand the reasoning for why so many people join these types of organizations; networking, brotherhood/sisterhood, promotion, etc. But, simply stated these organizations (especially the pledges and oaths) are not of God. Yes, they all may sprinkle in some biblical proverbs, but this holds no weight because Satan can quote the Bible verbatim. People of God, you do not need some organization to promote you to the next level because my Bible clearly states that promotion comes neither from the east, west, north, or south but from God (Psalm 75:6-7)! Therefore, stop shifting the focus from the One who truly initiates your success (the Father), to some organization based around an animal! God is not pleased good people! He is a jealous God. With that said, and without further ado I would like to introduce you to the ONLY righteous and eternal fraternity/sorority: Team Alpha and Omega! All are welcome to join!!!!


Nikki D

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Next Big Thing!

The people who conform to the success strategies of the world are constantly looking for the next big craze or fad. They continuously find themselves on an unending quest for perfection. Being led by ever-changing media, they are fed lies like: “40 is the new 20” and “in order to be successful you must drive this type of car or belong to this monetary income bracket”. However, what these people never realize is the hamster wheel that they have allowed themselves to be placed on by their drive for perfection.

If only for this alone, I give God the praise that I am able to find my perfection in His Son Jesus Christ! By simply believing in the work that was done by Christ on the cross, I am made perfect and righteous in the eyes of the Father. Thus, that constant strive for perfection in the next best thing ends once you find THE BEST THING to believe in!

Jesus died so that you would have the freedom to operate in the uniqueness that God has exemplified in each and everyone of His children. Therefore, people of God stop allowing the enemy to make you feel like you will never measure up to the holy standards before you! So many of us mope around walking in defeat because we have bought into the enemy’s lie! Once you understand the truth that YOU WILL NEVER BE PERFECT OUTSIDE OF CHRIST, then you will be more receptive to the things that YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH AND HAVE PERFECTION IN WITH CHRIST. Get off of this guilt-ridden rollercoaster that the enemy sends so many believers on, and understand that “you are forgiven and not perfect” (Taffi Dollar’s quote). Therefore, walk in excellence with your helper by your side and allow God to bear the fruit of a life perfected with Jesus Christ.

Be blessed.


Sunday, May 9, 2010


All that glitters is certainly not gold. Don’t allow the enemy to distract you from TRUE abundant living that Jesus Christ promised all his followers. The enemy has a way of tempting many believers into a false sense of accomplishment, when in actuality, they are skating dangerously close to the ledge of a potential pit fall. In Matthew 4:1-11, Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted of the devil. Now, the key to these versus is that Jesus was led BY the Holy Spirit. Thus, it should be understood that God will allow the enemy to tempt believers so that He may establish the solidarity of our faith in the Son. That’s powerful! It’s time for Christians to put up or shut up! Stop blaming everything that happens and/or seemingly attempts to detour your life from the plan God on the devil. No, maybe the Holy Spirit has been instructed by the Godhead to allow you to be led into temptation to genuinely gage your faith. Are you really practicing what you preach? Was your plan really God’s plan?

Be not deceived because the enemy makes his temptations look so appealing that they may even resemble the will of God! As you reference the story in Matthew you will notice that with each temptation; there were three in all, the enemy would continue to take Jesus to higher elevations in the wilderness the “show” him what was available to him if he would just bow. (Side Note: Why would God want you to elevate in the wilderness when He wants to deliver you out of the wilderness!!!) However, thank God that Jesus was no fool, and was well equipped by the Father before he was even summoned to go into the wilderness. Notice that it was not until AFTER Jesus was baptized, had fasted and prayed for forty days and forty nights, that God considered him prepared to be tempted.

Therefore, understand that God will never leave you uncovered before you go into your wilderness in life! The question is when the enemy starts showing you everything you can have, quoting eloquently the words of Scripture, are you competent and rooted enough in the Word of God for yourself to not bow? The only way to defeat a Bible-quoting devil is to have the Word written in your heart. For this reason alone, Jesus had the power to make the enemy leave his presence!

Don’t bow people to the advances of the enemy, no matter how fool proof his plan appears. Be not deceived, he is the father of ALL lies and his sole mission is to steal, kill, and destroy. Be ye steadfast and unmovable, fully anchored in the Word of God! And know that after the battle God always sends His angles to minister to you and keep you uplifted!

Be blessed good people.

Nikki D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Fearful: For What?!

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

The spirit of fear is a very peculiar emotional response initiated by the enemy in order to detour the people of God from His divine plan. The Bible clearly states that God has not given us the spirit of fear. Thus, why do so many of us operate in it? This spirit manifests hindering strongholds, denying the destiny that God has appointed for every individual life.

When contemplating the emotional responses of fear, I began to understand the lack of substance in the enemy’s booby-trap. It becomes apparent that many of us are fearful of possible outcomes to situations that have yet to be tried and/or experienced. This is absolutely insane! We fervently pray asking God to help us better our current realities, and when He shows us the avenue to grant our requests we run and hide. How do we expect God to help us? On the contrary, the enemy never offers a solution to our problems, but we rather lean into his spirit of fear than to trust God!

Just for a second think about the two sides of this scenario:

You have a job that you hate for whatever reasons, and know that you posses the credentials to be better paid and/or self employed. You could either A) step out on faith and say God I’m miserable here so I'm willing to try another route, or you could B) stay in your current reality.

The enemy makes us fearful of failure, but in reality we don’t fail unless we never try! Even if your leap of faith does not produce reciprocals worthy of your efforts, what did you really lose? You would still have your job; however, you would now have gained knowledge that would help you step out again wiser and smarter. Moreover, our trying of something never attempted is what builds our faith in God. You won’t know how much you trust Him and can really depend on Him until you step out of your comfort zone!

The gifts and passion that God has placed within your heart are not haphazard or coincidental, so go forth and posses the land! The fear or anxiety will eventually subside, but God remains steadfast through your times of good, bad, and indifference. He loves us just that much! Take a leap of faith!
