Sunday, May 23, 2010

The "Follow Me" Generation

This is truly the age of “follow me, and see what I’m doing with my life”. With Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, reality television, etc, it’s a wonder how people ever have time to evaluate what’s going on in their personal lives. Many would rather candidly watch someone else’s life unfold (myself included). However, as I sat contemplating the tattoo that I saw on someone that read: “Follow Me”, with the Twitter bird, it dawned on me the greater travesty really occurring in the world today.

People are searching for someone/something to follow. This necessity is embedded in us because we were created to worship. God’s preference is that we worship and follow Him, but if we decide not to we WILL FOLLOW some movement. More startling is the constant need for so many to be seen (followed) by others. People go through obsessive measures to up their fan followings on these social networks. But, what so called “fans” end up subscribing to lacks substance.

I’m not sure about you, but my life could do without the constant useless updates like “I just got home” or "what was so and so thinking when she wore this or that?” How is this really bringing value to my life? But, now I see that this was the point all along. The system of this world is designed to lure people away from God by any means necessary. Therefore, instead of reading the Word, communing with God, and walking in His Spirit, we become obsessed with he said, she said hoopla dubbed “Facebook Drama”! Really?! You got to be kidding me!

If you really want people to follow you, let it be for a more legitimate and eternal reason. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19 “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Therefore, follow Jesus, and you will have plenty of people following the Christ in you. Chirp back (or should I say Tweet back?) if you feel me! Thanks for the wake-up call God!

I’m out!

Nikki D

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