Monday, March 29, 2010

What's In Your Pocket: Faith or Pipe Dreams?

Hola Mis Amores (Help me out... I'm trying to say "My Loves" in Espanol)

Faith according to the world is merely the belief in something, a sort of abstract phenomenon of the thinking mind. Utilizing such a definition, allow many to associate faith with some mystifying thought process that comes and goes usually in times of trouble and hardships. It's interesting how people "get" faith during times of turmoil, after they have exasperated all other possible human solutions to their problem(s)! It seems that after this trial and error session people say "okay, well I'll give God a try now." Moreover, it is after such epiphanies that we concoct a plan: we pray, attend Bible study and early morning service, fast, hop up and down the isle, go to the alter for pray; and then and only then, do we feel that God must be satisfied with our efforts! We feel that God just has to "show up and show out" on our behalf.

Well, sad to ruin it for you, but God does not work like that people! A common phrase of this world is "I'll believe it when I see it". However, for born-again believers God holds us to a different standard! His expectations assure that, "we must first believe it, before we will ever see it." Everything that we physically see with our eyes started off in the conception stage as a thought, which was then sprinkled with faith in order to produce the final product. This is the faith that God requires of his people!

God is so sick and tired of these part-time, in and out Christians. He longs for those true believers that have faith like Abraham and Job; those radical faith leapers who believe God and his promises no matter what the circumstances. Get your minds right people and choose (TODAY) whether or not you will have true faith in God or just some pipe dreams that you pull out of your back pocket and rid of lint when all your OWN solutions dissipate. Think about it.

Until Next time, be blessed good people!


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