Sunday, April 1, 2012

Look At The Bugs, Fool!

It is officially springtime! The birds are chirping—their preludes beginning at 3:30am (trust me I know). The squirrels and chipmunks are feverishly running around gathering every edible item that can fit snuggly in their already packed jaws. All the cars, houses, EVERYTHING has a distinct layer of yellow pollen film. And my favorite (I’m being extremely facetious), the bugs are swarming, buzzing, and biting by the drones.

As I sat outside this morning, sipping on one of my latest healthy drink concoctions, I noticed the alarming amount of bugs! Now I’m not normally the squeamish type—eek!—but spring time seems to produce MILLIONS of bugs. So as I finished up my drink and looked on the ground, I noticed this beetle. Yea, we’ll call him a beetle since I’m no bug-ologist. Anyway, this particular beetle thought it was okay to invade my space. He marched forcefully into my bubble with no regard for me being much bigger than he, and having the power to end his little buggy life if I felt threatened. To detour his advances, I placed my foot in front of him, and he charged on. Then I placed my empty cup in front of him, and he charged on. I felt myself getting a tad bit annoyed with Mr. Beetle until I chuckled at the bug lesson that immediately arose in my spirit.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise” (Prov. 6:6). This was the scripture that I thought about. But the Nicole Denise interpretation of that passage is, “Look to the bugs, fool!” This little beetle was on a mission this morning. And apparently, what he was focused on required him to invade my area. So, without concern of his livelihood being threatened, he proceeded to get past me in order to complete his mission. His Christ-like determination outdid the faith of many Christian humans.

When obstacles attempt to hinder us we stop at the roadblock and/or retreat. We complain about the hindrance to God, but never once think of pressing on through the deterrent. Let’s not give into baby complaints anymore this year saints—“This is too hard.” “How am I going to do this all by myself?!” Instead let us look to the tenacity of one little beetle on a mission, and realizes how foolish some of our complaints must sound to God. We serve an all-powerful god who keeps the entire universe intact. So, it is officially time to ditch the Pampers, put on our big girl/boy britches, confess Luke 1:37, and KEEP IT MOVIN’! Don’t let a stupid bug outdo you in the faith department FOOL!

Happy Spring Time…and I still love you although I had to call out your (and my) foolishness today!

Nicole Denise

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