Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dwelling Under God’s Focused Light

While reading Genesis 1, the creation story, I found something rather interesting that I had missed on several occasions reading this passage of scriptures. I realized that God called forth light twice—on Day One and Day Four. Why was this so? As my mind pondered and reread this chapter in several translations, I finally understood what God was trying to reveal to me. It’s quite simple; He desires us to dwell under His focused light. Allow me to explain.

Think momentarily. If you are in search of something that is located in a dark room under the bed, it may require the use of two light sources. [S.N. This has actually happened to me recently.] When you enter the room you would click on the main light. This act is equivalent to God’s first command to the universe “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). He needed lighting to see exactly what He was going to create out of this vast expanse of nothingness. And once everything was well lit, God went on to create the heavens, earth, seas, and vegetation. He approved of all these things and called them well. However, just as when I walked into the room, turned on the light, and still couldn’t find what I was looking for under the bed, God required a second lighting as well. Realizing that I needed a flashlight (focused light) in a well lit room got me to thinking about how God illuminates our lives.

When we think of our first coming to the knowledge of God there was this Great light bulb that was instantly made aglow within us. All things were new (and well lit), and old things had passed away. Like God’s newly lit workspace, we were indeed a new creation. However, as God readied Himself to create animals and His most prized creation, man, He required more intense lighting from the sun and the moon. I coin this stage the “second lighting”. And it is during this second lighting, that God reveals those things stashed “under our beds” that need to be cleared out.

As we become more and more like Christ, God purposely illuminates those areas that require correction and cleaning. So, the moral of this story would have to be search out God’s focused light in your life. What are those areas that He is attempting to bring to your attention through focused lightening? How many times does He have to place the spotlight on certain areas before you cooperatively allow Him to change them? What is God revealing to you under a specified spotlight?

Now for the record, this type of lighting may be uncomfortable because “all eyes are on you”, but trust that under the watchful eye of a loving Father, only the best creations are fashioned. So, today allow God to mold you into what He desires under His guidance, and shy not from dwelling in (and under) His focused lighting.

Be blessed good people.

Nikki D

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