Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I’m Bringing HOLY[Matrimony] Back…YEP!

Albert Michael/startraksphoto.com

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries
Kim Kardashian is the latest victim to be hoodwinked by Satan’s destructive antics.
There is a major attack against the marriage covenant in current society. And I for one will not sit back while God’s creation is ridiculed and dragged through the mud. I am utterly repulsed by the deception that people have bought into when it comes to this holy practice. Marriage is sacred. With that, All Need NOT Apply! Marriage is for the mature, the selfless, the loving, and despite current notions, for those marrying the opposite sex. And adding an even deeper unction, those who desire to marry ONE wife—let’s NIX the “Sister Wives” tomfoolery while we’re at it.

The attack on marriage is much more serious than people may think. As Satan ambushes the sanctity of marriage, he in essence is proposing the death sentence for humankind. Ponder with me for a second. If the world were made up of divorcees, polygamists, and/or homosexuals, how is humanity to continue without major dysfunction; physically, mentally, and spiritually? I don’t see that happening! The enemy is the author of all confusion and turmoil. Thus, a world that resembles this thought would be complete anarchy.

People must realize that signing on the dotted line is a lifelong commitment and not the latest fashion trend in Tinsel Town. And for those who unapologetically take marriage lightly, please understand that there are repercussions to this mindset. The Bible clearly outlines that when a marital union is severed because of anything other than abuse or infidelity—CODE NAME: irreconcilable differences—there is adultery being committed. Hence, those who continuously marry are only passing this spirit of adultery down the line to his/her other mates. Don’t believe me? Check for yourself! -----> Matt. 5:31-33, Matt. 19: 18-19, Mark 10:10-12, Luke 16:18

God is a God of His word. So, please don’t expect to be “blessed and highly favored” when you are blatantly disobeying His concise mandates. Those who truly love God follow Him in obedience (see John 14:15). It’s time to do the right thing, because it’s the right thing. Breakup before proceeding down the aisle in full wedding processional if you KNOW that you are selfish, childish, egotistical, spoiled, and have yet to, officially, GET OVER YOURSELF (among other things)!

Let’s honor God people! He is not pleased with our shenanigans, and how lightly we take His decrees. Get right Christians, and stop looking to celebrities, talk shows, reality television, and raunchy romance novels as your how-to-guides for Marriage 101. They don’t have a clue! Open your Bible. God teaches about everything one needs to know regarding relationships, love, marriage, and even the infamous three letter word, S-E-X (Can we still say that in Christian circles? te-he-he). God created it ALL, so check the Source.

Be blessed good people, and get your minds right!

Nikki D


  1. This is so TRUE and so well put Nikki D....satan is definitely making a mockery out of marriages.

  2. Nikkkkiiiiiiii! Thanks for this! What a blessing!
