Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God’s Planning in “Unplanned Parenthood”

As I contemplated the pregnancy status of an idolized American “Power Couple”, I found myself inquiring of God on a few subjects. My first question was why would He allow a baby to be born to a couple who blatantly disregarded His commandments? Especially when there are so many Christians in holy union who desire to be parents but cannot conceive. Almost immediately I heard God speak the words, through my lips, that this baby would be the restoration of this entire family unit. At that moment, I truly understood that God thinks generationally, and not just in a specific moment of time.

I then began to think on the birth of our Savior Jesus. He was conceived miraculously to an unsuspecting virgin. Hence, Mary’s pregnancy was unplanned to say the least. But, in God there is nothing that happens on the earth that is unplanned, especially births of children. God declared to Jeremiah that “I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:5 NIV). Wow! There are absolutely no surprises when it comes to the birth of God’s little ones into the earth.

This revelation has helped me to further think like my heavenly Father, and not to draw carnal conclusions in tough situations. So, for those questioning why they were dealt a crummy hand in life, or how someone deemed evil could father a precious child, know that God makes no mistakes. His reasoning for producing children is always for the betterment of generations. Even when two parents are unfit physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually to raise children, know that there is purpose for them being conceived. God conceives children and there are NEVER mistakes in one being born at the time, place, and to the set of parents to which he/she is appointed to. God has purpose in all that He does, and in His sovereign wisdom there is never an unplanned birth.

Blessings good people!

Know today that you, your children, and/or your family were no mistakes. They were all destined and preapproved to honor the will of God.

Nikki D

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