Thursday, October 6, 2011

In The Storm...

Have you ever been in a place where all hell has broke loose? Everything about you and your life is in utter disarray? Well, we’ve all been there at some time or another. But, the question of the day is, what do you do in the midst of total destruction, malignant turmoil, and sorrowful despair?

Answer: You praise God for His word.

Now, I will not lie and say that this does not sound absolutely crazy to me! How on earth is one to praise and be joyful when hell fires are beckoning to consume and drive insane?

Reading Acts 27 today truly brought revelation to this entire issue for me, and I pray it helps you as well. As we examine the Apostle Paul on a ship headed inevitably towards destruction he gives a word of hope to the other petrified passengers:

“So, dear friends, take heart. I believe God will do exactly what he told me. But we're going to shipwreck on some island or other.”Ver. 25-26 MSG

Now this message is great and all because Paul confirms that no life will be lost in this storm, but he never says that destruction will desist. How are we to handle such a message? In reading the entirety of this chapter we see that the men had already thrown overboard all their food and resources in an attempt to make the ship lighter. So, not only are they fearful when Paul delivers this semi-comforting message, they are also extremely hungry and absent of all earthly provisions.

What does all this mean?

There are times when God destines for us to shipwreck on a certain island in our lives. And before the actual grand “tada” of the explosion, He requires that we strip ourselves of all man-made provisions that we plan into our journey. God does this because He wants us solely dependent upon Him. But, even in the midst of being stripped of everything, God still sometimes sends word that destruction is a part of His plan. Wow!

It is during this time that many of us wave the white flag and give up, questioning how such a loving God would cause us to be destroyed. But, I am here today to proclaim to you as Paul, “Be of good cheer, for I believe that God will do exactly what He told you!” I know the possibility of success looks dismal in the storm, but be of good cheer. I know you question whether or not God loves you, but be of good cheer. I know that you question whether or not you are still in God’s will, but BE OF GOOD CHEER!

God has you right where He wants you; in sole dependence on Him alone. He wants us to have full faith and trust in Him only, even outside the realm of the wisdom that He has given us. This radical faith is what fuels the radical-unadulterated-makes-absolutely-no-sense worship that God desires. In moments like this spirit and truth meet seamlessly in our worship and God is well pleased!

So, be of good cheer my friend regardless of what storm threatens you today. Know that God sees and hears you; and you are exactly where He wants you. It’s time to throw your understanding, your wisdom, your degrees, and your form and fashion out the window because God desires a raw and uncut worship from you. You’ll weather this storm and come out brand new—even though you’ll pick up a few bumps and bruises from the shipwreck. But, God is with you so…


Nikki D

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