Thursday, August 4, 2011

Serving "Good Works" Idols

As I embark on day four of my forty day “Purpose Driven Life” journey, I am startled at the importance placed on properly prioritizing things in my life. Chapter 4 of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is entitled Made to Last Forever. And as a devout Christian, this notion of eternity is internalized in my thinking. It is the ultimate goal of my existence on earth to do the works of the Father so that I will one day hear “well done my good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:14-30). However, in my journaling session after reading this chapter I realized that there are honorable and less honorable priorities. And my list looked something like this:

Honorable                                                           Less Honorable

Spreading the Gospel                                          gossiping

Loving                                                                 hoarding

Giving                                                                 establishing “good works” gods


Getting over myself

Now the last entry in the Less Honorable category was prompted by “straight Holy Ghost” (as my sister would say) because after I wrote it, all I could write next was WOW! I repeated the phrase over and over in my mind, and realized that I would create tally systems for “good works” I’ve done, and then present them to God, and wait patiently for my “just reward”. Now, this is deep! See what happens for most Christians is that we equate our “reasonable service” to God as our faith+works=results equation. Then we enter into prayer repeatedly identifying to God all the “good works” that we have done for Him. However, what God answers is that this is your “reasonable service” (see Romans 12:1) to Me since I didn’t wipe you off the face of the earth (a second time), but instead sent my sinless Son to die. Wow!

This revelation is truly an eye opener (even as I type) because I realize just how arrogant and deceptive the human flesh really is. It, unknowingly to our soul (mind, emotions, and will), can (and will) create idols of seemingly “good” intention and then present them at the feet of a holy Heavenly Father! Wow, the audacity of the flesh! Hence, flesh must be daily put under the subjection of God’s Word. However, if we only occasionally read the Bible we will only occasionally experience the reflective qualities of “look at what you’re doing, saying, and believing” that Truth provides.

The flesh is sneaky, and, if allowed to, it will feed on the subtle deceptions of the enemy freely. But thank God for the spirit who knows all things because of connection to the Holy Spirit! This was an eye opener for me good people, which led straight to the throne room in repentance to the Father. I suggest you follow suit if you qualify. Then, we can seek guidance on how to properly worship God with our lives.

Be not deceived. God is soon to come and the enemy is trying everything to get YOU to spend eternity with him in hell. Keep your mirror (the Word) turned on yourself daily as to see what God sees, so that with His help all blemishes, spots, and wrinkles are removed and wiped clean!


Nikki D

1 comment:

  1. "Keep your mirror (the Word) turned on yourself daily as to see what God sees, so that with His help all blemishes, spots, and wrinkles are removed and wiped clean!"
    -What Matter of woman is this that the Holy Spirit reveals such revelation!!? My God!! Nicole continue to deliver your soul unto the King of Kings!! I am on my way to pick up a FULL BODY MIRROR RIGHT NOW!!! Lol..But no really this hit home for me, Thank You Sis :)
