Friday, August 12, 2011

Check Your Foot Work!

During a conversation with one of my sisters, we discussed the necessity of paradigm shifts in the lives of believers. However, with the heavy saturation of “position yourself for a blessing” sermons, the significance of this lesson has been watered down. Every Christian understands that “the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord” (Psalm 37:23). But, what many fail to realize is that the feet in question require personal effort if they are to walk into God’s best. Let me break this down further because too many are waiting on God, when God is waiting on their walk!

The feet (will) of Adam and Eve were always directed under the abundant flow of God’s blessing. In the Garden of Eden, rightful positioning automatically occurred for them because they delighted in the things of God. However, disobedient footwork led them under curses purposed for those who shunned the will of God. Hence, the same is true today. Saints superficially position themselves “on the market” for God without full surrender. They put their souls (will, emotions, mind) on display as floor models, with no intention for full purchase. Accordingly, their lives resembles the pair of shoes tried on (and modeled), but never packaged (and ready) for purchase. These people cry out to God for help, but refuse to sell at His “reasonable” price of full submission when advised.

With that, discard the walk of “fallen mankind’s feet” today! Stop trying to do things half God’s way and half your way. Do you honestly think that God’s blessing will follow such a lifestyle? There is a standard required to live under the blessing of God, and this is salvation AND complete surrender. Your feet have to march to the beat of His drum, and any deliberate misstep will render curses. So, stop sprawling out across the altar every Sunday when God is waiting for you to put your feet in check!

Stop blaming God for jacked up feet! Schedule an emergency appointment with the Great Podiatrist who will check your feet and show you how to keep them there!

Nikki D

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