Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All Fingers Point Towards D.C.: Black America’s Blame Game

“I thought Barack Obama could have provided some way out. But he lacks backbone.” ~Cornel West (truthdig.com)

Cornel West’s blame of Obama for black America’s problems resonates overwhelmingly in the hearts of many Americans. All fingers point towards D.C. However, with all hands stretched northward, it’s a wonder why there’s no real work taking place. When you remove your hand from the plow, metaphorically speaking, to slap the hand of a supposed oppressor, you miss out on the value of a day’s work. Now, many will take the previous statement as a slavery reference, and this is to be expected by those who always have something to say, but never anything to do. As I channel my inner Michael Jackson (R.I.P.), I think it necessary that we all visit the closest vanity mirror ASAP!

I’ve never encountered a more egotistical, hateful, narcissistic, people than Americans who have found themselves in a position of power; no matter how slight! And this is not everyone, but I speak of those who use their position to cripple rather than empower. Poverty is a creation of Satan and the mentality linked to it is running rampant in minority communities. It’s utterly disgusting the audacity in thinking that one is justly warranted a free “sit on your tail” pass while others remedy your problems. Yes, we all need help from time to time, but the epidemic of passing down this “you owe me” mindset to future generations is deadly!

I knew, undoubtedly, that Obama’s presidency would face such backlash as this. But, it’s an even greater travesty when it comes from a member of the community who has the clout that Cornel West does. To think that a, now, black-occupied presidency seat is the antidote to all black problems is asinine! The only way that black America (and all America for that matter) is going to truly solve the issues our communities face is to take a harsh look at the badmouthing critic in the mirror. Are you pointing the finger of blame towards others because your circumstances are beyond your capable control? Are you like those who have made their brand of complaining, blaming, and nagging a daily staple? When will we grow up and understand that it’s not how loud we whine, but the actual work that gets the job done?

I will be content when people understand that one’s success is not rooted in the tearing down of another; or, for that matter, in the waiting on one to bring about change in your life. It’s your life so if you want change, then it’s going to have to be you that enacts it. Be the change that you desire to see; otherwise, sit there, shut up, and wait until your number is called! And this message is especially for my brothers and sisters of the Christian persuasion. It’s NOW high time we banish excuses and just do what God has required of us. Hence, more working equals less time to complain and point fingers of accusation.

People want others to remedy their problems before they ever check with the Creator to see if there’s anything that can first be done on their part. No one owes you anything, and when this lesson is fully learned, from it flows good character and proper work ethic. Stop the madness people and look to the ant you sluggards!

Real Talk!

Nikki D


  1. You are a very inspiring, intelligent young lady who above all Keeps It too Real - for TV..& I love it. Don't ever stop writing-its part your PURPOSE!

  2. Thanks Queen for the inspiration!!! It's for the people that I write and pour out my inspired soul! I do this for you guys so that purpose can be found and obtained by everyone.
