Monday, April 4, 2011

You Are Blessed!

As I sit here and flip through the more than 500 photos of the tsunami/earthquake stricken Japan, I realize just how blessed I am. God has protected me through many ups and downs, and sees it fit daily to provide me with my daily bread. As I look at the faces of these people, I am deeply sadden and helpless as to what I can do to help them.

But, as I continued scanning, I began to see glimmers of hope in the photographs. And this hope was found on the faces of children. I realized that we are to come to God as children because kids are so easy to forgive; so easy to forget wrong doing and devastation; so easy to bounce back to life! Let’s be like these children and realize that we are just blessed to have another day to see the beautiful world which God created, regardless of the devastation that may surround us. We are blessed beyond measure, and it’s time that we begin to live like it.

You are blessed good people!

Nikki D

photos courtesy of Yahoo News

1 comment:

  1. Be thankful and grateful to God.
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