Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breaking the “Sob Story “Cycle

“Nobody likes me, everybody hates me. I guess I’ll go eat worms; long thin skinny ones, short fat juicy ones, itsy bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms.”

Sob stories. Everybody has one; myself included. Yep, we all revert back to those “woe is me” moments when we decide to partake in our celebration for one, pity party. Well it’s high time that we stop the madness and realize that regardless of how screwed up our situations may be, we still have sane enough thoughts to think on how messed up our presumed circumstances are. Right now there are mental patients trapped in the confines of their own minds wishing that they could have one moment of clear thinking without demonic interruptions. And what do we clear headed people do with our time? We sulk and complain, pout, and whine about how life is not the perfect shade of sunshine.

Get over yourselves people! Christ is soon to return for His church without blemish or spot, and sulking Christians do not fit the bill of acne free. We all need to take a detailed introspective check and really decide whether or not we want to live another year of complaining about our deficiencies. Or, we can choose to suck it up, wean our baby spirituality off the bottle, and began to fight for what belongs to us. The kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12)!

So if you’re going to succeed today, you have to put the whining to the side and smear Vaseline on those cheek bones because the enemy is going blow for blow with you. Show him what you’re made of saints! Show the devil that you are no longer the whimpering, cowardly, procrastinating, complacent Christian that he was once able to contain. Show him that you have gotten off the emotional rollercoaster and have now decided that amusement park rides are a thing of the past.

Pack up those sob stories and throw them overboard; never to be murmured again. Replace them with stories of victory, even if initially they aren’t your own personal ones. There are many victorious testimonies in the Bible that can be used as you transition from victim to victor. Use them freely, and before you know it you’ll be substituting your own stories of victory!

Time to get a move on destiny people… no time to waste being depressed and salty. God needs you to be fully capable of handling the outpouring of His Spirit that He is orchestrating in these last days. And in order to be available, you must be burden free; especially from those self-inflicted. Shake it off and refuse to utter sob stories from this day forward!

Signing Off Good People!

Nikki D

1 comment:

  1. Amen Nikki .... get over it and move on.
