Sunday, November 21, 2010

Get To Plantin'!!!

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10 NIV
After hearing bits and pieces of a sermon while I got dressed this morning one passage of scripture stuck out to me and I began to turn it over in my mind. By meditating on this Word, revelation from the Holy Spirit was given to me. “God gives seed to the sower” (2 Corinthians 9:10). Many of us have heard this passage once before, but never had I understood it more clearly than today.

In the entire chapter of 2 Corinthians 9 Paul speaks about the blessings of God; those things reserved for the righteous. However, where many fall short in receiving the blessings of God is in their sowing obligations. This message is timely because we are in the middle of the natural fall harvest season. When looking at the agricultural system, farmers plant during a certain time of year so that, come fall, they have a bountiful harvest. This is necessary for Christians to do as well when we sow into the kingdom of God. The ways that we can sow is in our giving; whether monetarily, time, service, commitment, praise, worship, etc. Accordingly, anything that we do for our brothers and sisters on behalf of Christ is our seed.

But, for many believers, our seed never makes it into the ground. We give our tithes, but no offering. We spend our time, but with the wrong attitude. We praise and worship God, but only when we want things. So just like birds we eat our seeds before they make it into the ground.

Now the scripture says that God gives seed to the sower; which means that people who are good stewards over God’s money, time, and worship will abound with more seed. So, spectators cannot be upset with people who have tapped into the success of God’s fool-proof sewing and reaping formula. [I used “formula” for lack of a better word. So, to perform this “formula” with the wrong motives will benefit you nothing at all either. God checks heart motivation and manipulation is not a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)] God desires to bless His people, but we must sow into fertile ground if we expect to reap in due season. This is why the scriptures say that “it’s more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35) because when we are on the giving end of the equation we are so over and abundantly blessed that we must be a blessing to others to level out our bursting storehouses. So get to plantin’ and stop complaining!

One Love
Nikki D

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