Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Makings of Meanigful Relationships

As I overheard the conversation between a mother and daughter, the daughter (apparently in her early twenties) pleadingly explained to her mother her apparent lack of good friends within her life. Her mother’s rebuttal was shaped in the fact that her daughter was still young, and that God would send the appropriate relationships within her life at the suitable season. She went on to explain that when she was in her twenties she did not have friends, per say, but God had established older Christian women in her life who helped her build inner godly foundation.

Such a conversation got my wheels spinning, and I began to fully understand my situational “friend drought” as well. As I reminisced on past relationships, both platonic and romantic, I realized that I came into many of those unions broken. I was not fully aware of my inner self, or the plan God had destined for my life’s journey; therefore, I was looking for that in those relationships. This made me quite needy. However, the enemy skewed my perception of my neediness; having me believe that I was the one helping "hopeless cases". Even if they had been the ones in need, I too was searching for something within them that I could only successfully find in an intimate relationship with my Creator.

We must return to the Manufacturer of our product (self) and ask Him for the components that will efficiently and effectively help us work. There is a time and season for everything; thus, there is a time for companionship and fellowship, and there is a time for alone personal critique and evaluation. The world pumps false neediness for relationships into our psyches daily; this is why the phenomenon of relationship hoping is quite rampant within pop culture. However, this constant preoccupation with the needs of others never lets the individual commune with inner thoughts, or grow in ways that God requires us to mature.

Moreover, the number of friend roll-calls, follower logs, or hearts next to our “relationship status” updates, should not be the approval point from which we build lasting relationships. These are false indicators. However, once God molds the inner you into a person capable of being friendly and/or romantic (healthily), then meaningful relationships will surface; seemingly from nowhere. Remember, you receive what you put out; so desperate searches for human relationships only makes you vulnerably receptive to desperate people.

Wait on God and be patient. I promise He’ll make it worth your wild!

Graciously Signing Off,

Nikki D

Power Scripture: “A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24


  1. i like that you said what you put out is what you receive because I have heard that you attract similar spirits too yours. So you have to ask yourself what spirit am i operating in and what spirit am i attracting?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Exactly! As mentioned, the world has bought into the myth that opposites attact. But the Word precisly reveals in several passages that light and darkness cannot comprehend one another. Therefore, you ARE the company that you keep! The question then becomes are you operating in light or darkness?

    Thank you for the comment.
