Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Missing Link

O ye of little faith!

As I recite the words of Jesus Christ, I am reminded of the many people that I encounter daily who have little to no faith in God. Startling enough, these are not unbelievers, but are those who claim to live out this Christian lifestyle. Where is the disconnect? Why does the Christian's living, financial, emotional, and spiritual situations resemble that of those who blatantly disregard God? As I begin to meditate, the missing link in this chain is the faith level of my Christian brothers and sisters.

Therefore, my next question is where do you think godly faith originates from? Well, the answer lies in the pages of God's holy word: "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." (Romans 10:17) Aha! Your faith is found in the word; furthermore, there is no way to possess the faith that God REQUIRES of his people without reading his word! It is here that we will find examples of faith modeled by great men and women of God. We will witness how God helped them in difficult situations and how their faith helped them to persevere. Then our spirits become reassured because of the word that is in our heart. Therefore, in tough situations we will begin to say, "God did it for Abraham, so I know he'll do it for me!"

However, so many proclaimed Christians do not read the bible daily! Do you not understand that this is a requirement to be apart of the community of believers. How in the world are you supposed to know what the Shepherd requires of you if you don't even know what he said? This is absolutely ludicrous to me! Yet still, many can repeat verbatim what Oprah recommended about certain situations. Mind you now, this "knowledge" about marriage and relationships comes from a woman who herself is not married, and who had the audacity to start her own religion!

The spirit of Antichrist is here people! Many are waiting for some leader to rise up and call themselves the Antichrist, but are missing the spirit that is already present within the world. People are publicly and boldly denying God daily: Jay Z said in his song that "Christ can't save you", Kanye West said he sold his soul to the devil, books about witches, warlocks, vampires are at the peak of popularity (see Harry Potter, Twilight etc.). Yet still the people of God are missing the spirit of Antichrist because they won't read and meditate on God's word daily!

In the meantime, while the "saints" play church, the devil has free roam to manifest in the future (our children). Then when they begin to act "crazy" we send them to a psych clinic to be evaluated. There is no evaluation needed! Start reading your Bible, praying fervently, and building your faith in God and he will work out every situation. O but ye of little faith who continue to conform to the world's way of thinking will continue to be deceived! The are two choices: either we read and become doers of the word, or we can sit back, don't read the word and be deceived! However, if you choose the latter don't be mad with God when the manifestations of his glory and favor are showered down on those who diligently follow and trust him. You made your choice!

Wake up people and choose life!

Nikki D

1 comment:

  1. You know I agree with you here ah Nikki! I am a true follower of Christ. I am not ashamed of the Gospel or what God has done and will do for me. As the scripture says in John 14:6 "I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me". So to get to the father we have to know about him and to know about him we have to read about him and study him. Life is short and no one knows when the last day will be but the question is will we be ready and where will those who led us to believe the unrighteous be. That is why ppl need to read the word for themselves and not just be readers of the word but doers. Its not about what we do in the eyes of others but what we do for Christ how are we living I mean really living when we get behind closed doors. Is our outside "seen" life reflecting how we live when no one is watching. Following Christ is one of the easiest decisions to make and its nothing to be ashamed of. Through Christ we are set free. your blog was very well said.
