Thursday, August 18, 2011

What The Heck Is That Smell?!: Day Three

The alarm clock rings at 8:40 A.M.

“Okay God I’ll go walking by 9:30.”

The alarm sounds of at 9:30, and I roll back over in my bed.

By 10 o’clock, when I finally rise it’s not because of my own will. No, I detect this putrid smell coming through my air conditioning vents. “What the heck is that smell”, my face says without words. So, I get up and check the rooms for trash that was possibly left in bags—nothing. I head down stairs and the smell got more intense. I check the dishwasher that was half-full from the dirty dishes I didn’t run yesterday; it’s not that either. No trash, no dishes…so “what the heck is that smell!” This time I yell.

After, eating a light breakfast of tuna salad and crackers, I go on a one woman survival mission to sterilize my house from top to bottom. And anyone who knows me understands that this means that I was slinging BLEACH on everything. It ain’t clean unless I smell bleach! But to no avail, I still smelled the foul odor. I prayed, “Lord please don’t let me come across some dead animal in here, I mean this is Jawww-Ja (Georgia), it could be anything.” And then my nose begin to keenly pick up the origination of the scent; it was in my refrigerator. I found the culprit—a rancid ear of corn that I forgot about from last month! OMG! I got that thing outside so fast you would have thought I was a track runner!

But, from this muy interesante experience I got a revelation. God paralleled how my not being self-disciplined was just as foul to my spirit, soul, and body as that liquefied piece of corn. I was already breaking my routine of exercise, and He was showing my how lack of consistency could harbor smelly results. So, although I ignored the alarm clock and didn’t go walking, believe me God made me get my exercise today. Cleaning a house from top to bottom is physical work—much harder than going walking! So, I’ll choose walking for 100 Alex tomorrow because boy-looka-here I need a nap.

Adios good people! Remember that self-disciplined consistency is key!

Nikki D