Thursday, July 21, 2011

Note To Satan: “This Ain’t What You Want!”: Overcoming Bullies

Ever notice that once confronted, bullies pan out to be nothing more than overstuffed chickens? It’s as if your confrontation of them suddenly makes them realizes just how powerless they really are without a good dose of fear. In my experience, bullies are always bark and no bite. Think back just a moment to those heated “discussions” on the school playground. When Tyrone got tired of BIG Moe constantly jacking him for his lunch money, Moe was eventually defeated with one swift left hook to the nose. The one-hitter-quitter was all it took to slay the seemingly impenetrable Goliath. Why? Why are the world’s biggest giants, obstacles, or bullies defeated by those who seem physically unqualified?

The answer is so simple that it seems like this logic couldn’t possibly be referenced within the “deep” Bible—oh but it is! And the answer for 1000 is get you a crew! People won playground brawls because they had a crew. And whether one's crew was a gang willing to fight, a cheerleading squad, or a hype team; the posse was the inevitable prescription to winning battles. Now, I know some people already have cousin Lou on speed dial ready to murk (Palm Beach slang for “get revenge on”) the dudes bothering you on the block, but wait just one second! Nikki D is not condoning violence because it’s never the answer. But, what I am saying is fight smart, not hard. No need to sweat and mess your hair up when you were given the conqueror’s manual.

Paul had the right idea in Philippians 1:27-28 when he said “stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the Gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you. This is a sign to them that they will be destroyed, but you will be saved—that by God.” I laughed when I read this passage of scripture because Paul was telling believers that it’s necessary that we are just as gangsta as the devils that try to intimidate us on this earth. And not only are we to stand firm in our belief against those who oppose us (see haters), we are not to flinch when they throw their insults, slanders, and digs at our reputation. Nope, we should smile with a countenance that says “This ain’t what you want, because you have no idea who I roll with!” And as we smirk, trust and believe with unyielding faith that God sees and He has your back when you are in His will. Enemies will never defeat believers because the Son professed assuredly that “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

So the next time Satan sends his workers spewing ying-yang in your direction, smile and summon your authority—your crew. The Father, Son, Holy Ghost, and angels stay strapped and ready to defeat the devourer and his antics. So be of good cheer and fight the good fight of faith because can’t no devil in hell steal a victory that is already awarded to you! And when we look adversity square in the face and say “I’m not scared of you and I’m not moving” guess what that does? It lets enemies know that “they will be destroyed, but you will be saved!” So, stop cowering in fear when God did not give us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7). Fight off those attacks with your two-edged sword; keeping your sanity, faith and peace intact. There is nothing better to fight for than the clarity of mind and speech, and peace. The world didn’t give it to you so don’t let the enemy of this world attempt to take it from you!

Fight Baby!

Nikki D

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