Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Great Oxymoron: Alternative Lifestyles

This debate among Christians has been a long and drawn out battle and I’m here to settle it today. After watching a group of radical sign holders yesterday yell at passerbyers my wheels were spinning once again. In Atlanta the “alternative lifestyle” culture is in full effect. So, when men and women (who resembled open homosexuality) walked by the sign toting threesome, they yelled with vengeance in their directions. One catch phrase in particular “Don’t be gay, get saved today” stuck with me.

Now first and foremost, I feel it necessary to present what the Bible says about homosexuality. In 1 Corinthians 6:9 (AMP) it reads:

“Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality…”

This passage makes it pretty plain on God’s stance regarding such wrongdoers; they will not be allowed to enter heaven. Therefore, if heaven is the goal, then homosexuality and other evils mentioned in this passage (and several others) should not be practiced. But, what I disagreed with by yesterday's display was the way that this group of “Christian” vigilantes went about conveying their message. I watched them profile people who looked the part, but what was more startling was the venom behind the words they spewed. Why on earth would someone want to join a group of believers so enraged, and seemingly hateful? I even heard such comments by onlookers who voiced the same notions as I was thinking.

Love is the commandment that Jesus gave us, and He said that on that commandment hung all the others. (Matthew 22:36-40) I sensed no love in their demeanor, voice, or actions. Their game plan was strictly to, induce fear and stir up controversy, the type that makes the world mock the church now. So, as you could probably guess I was deeply saddened by the whole display. There were no souls won to the Kingdom; there was no one running to them for redemption and prayer. Why, because there was no love! And what saints need to understand is that without love any message lacks God. God is LOVE!

Now, “alternative lifestyles” are actually no life at all, by looking solely at the word choice themselves. The alternative of anything indicates the opposite. And the opposite of life(style) is death. It’s that simple. God hates homosexuality, and every other sin for that matter. But, the person who may be practicing these things He loves dearly; and so do I. Therefore, if anyone out there reading this is living a homosexual lifestyle, understand that you WERE NOT born that way and it’s merely a dominant spirit at play over your life. But, like any other unclean spirit it can be sent packing in the name of Jesus, if you desire it to leave. So, if this is your desire today please pray the following prayer:

Lord I know you hear me today and I know you see the true intentions of my heart. I no longer want to live in a manner that is displeasing to you. Today I relinquish control to your power and ask that you remove all unclean spirits from me. [Call them out by name] In the mighty name of Jesus I command them to leave me now and today I turn from my wicked ways and follow your statutes in loving obedience. God I thank you for my spiritual cleansing today, and I thank you for giving me power to trample over serpents and scorpions, and over anything that attempts to detour me from the mandates that you have established for my life. Lord, now I ask that you restore my relationship with you, for I desire to be in direct communion with you once again. Thank you for accepting my prayer and cleansing me this day. In Jesus name, Amen.

And it is so. I touch and agree with anyone who just prayed this prayer. God truly loves you and so do I. The final message I would like to leave readers today is LOVE. Love God with all your heart, soul, and being, and love thy neighbor as you would yourself. This is how we live a Christ centered life. Do everything in love, even rebuking and correction, because without it there will always remain no results.

Peace and blessings good people,

Nikki D


  1. I absolutely LOVE this. You are so on point. LOVE is the answer. And homosexuality is not the ONLY sin that will not get one into heaven. There was a long list prior to that term in the Word. Great Word & thanks for sharing.

  2. I believe that LOVE is always the answer and if we look at what the body of Christ is without it…. It’s in complete shambles. There is this great “coming out (of the closet)” occurring within the church because people feel safer to have open dialogue amongst and within the gay community than they do with saints. At the end of the day my stance on homosexuality is that it’s an abomination to God and the model He designed for us to be “fruitful and multiply. BUT, I would never turn away a brother or sister who needs a hug and some genuine Christ love to overcome and “come out” of the perversion that homosexuality is. It sickens me the utter hatred and gay bashing that comes from the church as if this is somehow going to promote change. That doesn’t even remotely sound like Christ!
