Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Declare Your Name!

In this time and season the attacks of the enemy have become strategic and seemingly non-existent to the undiscerning. However, I have noticed a growing trend in the body, and it comes in the form of false humility. I recall having a telephone conversation with a fellow believer and God had me minister to him about declaring his name. What does such a declaration entail, however? Allow me to explain.

Popularly quoted, but rarely understood, is the passage of scripture found in John 10:10. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.” God precisely warns us of our adversary’s tactics. However, since so many Christians think carnally they automatically associate Satan’s stealing, killing, and destroying with physical materials. But, I promise you that Satan does not want your car or your house! What on earth could a spiritual being do with a car? But, what he does want, more than anything, is to rob believers of the confidence that God has placed within us.

There is certainly a wide spread epidemic of down trodden Christians, and this need not be the existence of the redeemed. The enemy has deceived many into thinking that if they downplay their God-given talents, gifts, abilities, and anointing that God will be pleased by this representation of humility. However, such a stance is not humility at all. Our refusal to showcase God to the world through our capabilities is a sick and twisted delusion of the enemy! This is why I beckon Christians that we declare the name that God has given us proudly. Take the example of Paul who was unashamed to declare his name at the beginning of His life changing letters: “Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God...” (2 Cor. 1:1) Paul’s declaration put the enemy on notice that He understood and believed in the person that God had created him to be. Furthermore, he was showing those who knew his former lifestyle, as Saul, that God could change the heart (and name) of those who believe in Him.

So what am I saying today good people? Declare your name! Don’t allow ill intentioned people (See: haters) cloud your thinking about yourself. Because, it is very possible to be confident and not boastful. When we hold ourselves back from showcasing the full glory of God on the earth we do everyone a disservice. Therefore, declare your name and work your gifts in the full anointing of God! There is someone’s salvation, restoration, deliverance, and encouragement attached to your willingness to boldly declare just who God has made you into regardless of your past!

Be blessed good people and declare your name!

Nikki D

Also read these related Real Talk topics:

It’s Quite Okay to be Great

Conviction vs. Condemnation

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