Monday, March 14, 2011

Channeling Your Anointing

There seems to be a growing disconnect between godly anointing and the proper display of it in the world. As people of God, we must first understand that God has equipped (anointed) us with specific gifts and talents to display His glory to the world. Many Christians miss the mark of glorifying God in spirit and in truth because we mimic what others have called the anointing instead of seeking and searching out the true definition in the scriptures.

Jesus is the ultimate depiction of one who walked in the completely centered and focused anointing of the Father. Never did we witness Christ running around, foaming at the mouth, having spastic convulsions, and calling this the anointing. Now, please understand that the manifestation of the anointing may surface differently, but it is never disruptive and out of order because that goes completely against the decency and orderliness of God. And for God to go against himself and His character is impossible.

People of God, we must first find out what God has anointed us to do; sing, dance, encourage, write, organize, lead, teach, etc. Then with this knowledge, we must scour the scriptures fervently to find out what God requires and instructionally mandates for such a gifting. When we do this, we find our purpose. And purpose with proper focus and energy leads to destiny. God wants Christians to globally showcase the array of talents He has showered among His people, and wants us to do so with focused energy. Then and only then, will we resemble the qualities of His all knowing, all powerful Son during His walk on earth.

Channel your anointing saints!

Nikki D

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