Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where’s the Cross?!

As I observe the status of today’s Church (community of Christian believers) I am shocked to notice a growing detrimental trend. With an attempt to remain current or up to date in worldly standards Christians have declined recognition of the Cross. Church sermons don’t reference it, it’s absent from Christian media broadcasts, and is scarcely found in today’s gospel music. With all that said, I am left asking one question; where they do that at?! How can one proclaim Christianity, but neglect to reference the very foundation of the religion?

I am so sick and tired of hearing gospel music that doesn’t even mention The Gospel! When Jesus commissioned us to go out and be fishers of men He commanded us to spread the Good News of freedom found in the Cross. As Christians we are given a second chance at life because of our belief in the Son who defeated the grips of death. But, when we eliminate talking about Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection from the grave what exactly are we doing?

I’ll tell you what, and the answer is not pretty. Without Christ (and the Cross) as the center of Christian worship, believers are practicing idolatry and witchcraft! Yes, I said it because many have been deceived into thinking because certain spiritual manifestations occur within their church services that God is in the midst. The devil is sho’ nuff a liar! Check your scriptures people and go back to the training of Moses before he was released to set the captives free from Egypt. Everything that he was given power to do by God was also accomplished by those who were not God fearing in the least! So, because something seems like a move of God does not necessarily mean that it is from Him. And I can with accurate proclamation say that if your church services are a foot stomping, praise shouting, good time ,without mention of sin and salvation provided by the cross, you have been demonically hoodwinked!

So I say all of that to say this, make sure your worship is of the Son who died for all sins on the Cross. When we leave out Calvary we leave out salvation, which could only result in death in hell’s fire!

The cross people! The cross!!!!

Nikki D

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