Friday, December 31, 2010

Titles, Titles, And More Titles!

“Hi I’m Pastor Jelly.” “Good evening, I’m Apostle Peanut Butter.”

Lately, I have been trapped in an onslaught of introductions that begin with such salutations. And although there is something admirable about answering the call of God, many of these individual conversations left me with deep, questioning forehead wrinkles. The most pressing of my questions was: “who in their right mind ordained you to be anything? Now, before I go any further please understand I am in no way assuming the posture of an Almighty God, but some of these people I KNOW should not hold positions in church leadership. The Word of God precisely says that we are to make our calling and election sure (2 Peter 1:10), and for these specific title-bearers, their title was just an added puff into their already overly inflated chests. I recall reading scripture when Paul let a few choice believers have a piece of Christ’s mind:

In 1 Corinthians 4:7, Paul outlines such haughtiness among believers when he poses some questions. He asks, “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you receive it why do you boast as though you had not?” These are valid questions that we all must truthfully answer in order to reject, rebuke, and rebuttal the spirit of pride. Christians must understand that we are mere dirt, gracefully chosen to be filled with the breath of life, and purposefully given an anointing to carry our portion of God’s supreme mission to lead people to the Son. The Bible says that every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord (James 1:17). Thus, why do many believers feel it necessary to assert themselves because of achievement? We carry on spiels which sound like, “I am Mr. Such and Such who matriculated through the upper epsilon blah, blah, blah.” ALL of this was borrowed from God!

Every good thing that has ever happened or has ever been accomplished in your life was in order to make your portion of carrying out God’s mission more effective and efficient. Your college degree was not earned for you to sit in the company of other college graduates and belittle those without degrees. Likewise, prophetic gifts were not bestowed so that those chosen individuals could sit amongst their peers and prophesy to one another, or boast about how God lets them in on the business of others. No! Such dealings are misappropriations of the gifts granted. Your gifts, callings, and talents are to be used for the up-building and edification of God’s kingdom. Moreover, when prideful arrogance corrodes this mission the gifts are not stripped, but are now used out of context for the opposing team. Spiritual gifts and callings are given without repentance (Romans 11:29); thus the gifts will always be present. However, it becomes a matter of truthfully questioning your motives when utilizing those gifts; who exactly is getting the glory from your talents?

God is the driving force behind every good thing; therefore, be mindful that your praise and honor are continuously to be given to Him. Know your place as a servant of God regardless of how many titles you adorn. Serving God with your works should be your sole mission while here on earth. Anything else is self-serving; thus, denying your need for and dependence on God. You are not an independent free agent, but an agent of Christ sent to accomplish a goal. Let not the accolades become your god, but be mindful of the One from whom all blessings flow!

Are you rightfully wearing and utilizing your title? Think about it.

Nikki D

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Transparency, TMI (Too Much Information), or Trash?

While observing a growing trend within the body of Christ, I ask myself the question: When does transparency become TMI or just an excuse to continue sinning? Within the last month I have crossed paths with several Christians who claim to live a transparent lifestyle. Subsequently, this usually means that their flaws-and-all are in public view for the world to ogle. However, it seems that some beleivers may be taking this “open Christian lifestyle” to the extreme. The sharing of one’s testimony is very necessary in today’s world, and in all actuality, can be backed with biblical reference (Rev. 12:11). But, when does sharing your testimony or openly living out the “tests” that bring about the TESTimony become a bit much? Moreover, when does one’s honest opinion about his or her “thorns in the flesh” become an excuse to not seek deliverance from those issues?

In my opinion, there seems to be an awful lot of living in plain view of the public, but no being delivered and maturing being put on display for onlookers. Furthermore, I go on record saying that wallowing in sinful mess (openly) is not a transparent lifestyle, but a call for much needed help, counsel, deliverance and introspective self-checks.

IJS. Tell me what you think. I would love to hear from you. As always it is my mission to leave truth in the atmosphere! Be blessed good people!

Nikki D

Monday, December 13, 2010


“And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.” Acts 2:1-6

As saints of God it is imperative that we understand that in order for God’s power to be made manifest in the earth we must first be on one accord. Referencing the book of Acts chapter 2, it was not until all men were of one accord on the day of Pentecost that God was able to pour out His Spirit. And notice what occurred after all were of one mind and God’s power showed up. They were then able to influence the lost world by miraculous interpretive abilities. Before the earthly manifestation of God’s Spirit, the only people capable of grasping the relevant power of the Christ were those who had directly walked with Him or had witnessed actual signs and wonders during His ministry. However, since Jesus had been taken up into heaven it was necessary that He leave a remnant of Himself in order for His ministry to proceed until His return.

With the power of the Holy Spirit, the men present during that day were able to speak the Gospel in other tongues; revealing to the lost what Jesus and His ministry were truly about. The “ACTS” days are still present, and are even more relevant today as the world turns further and further away from the Truth. However, believers will only have influence over the lost when we are able to speak their language. And this translation of the Gospel will not be revealed until we are on one accord.

So if your ministry, in whatever capacity, is not bringing in lost souls daily into the body of Christ, it’s time to do a unity check. Is everyone on one accord? Is every believer in your circle’s main mission really to save souls? Answer these questions honestly. Until then, unbelievers will never hear (and understand) Christ’s Gospel because discord among the saints hinders our ability to speak in their language.

Can you hear me now? Good.

Nikki D

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Where’s the Cross?!

As I observe the status of today’s Church (community of Christian believers) I am shocked to notice a growing detrimental trend. With an attempt to remain current or up to date in worldly standards Christians have declined recognition of the Cross. Church sermons don’t reference it, it’s absent from Christian media broadcasts, and is scarcely found in today’s gospel music. With all that said, I am left asking one question; where they do that at?! How can one proclaim Christianity, but neglect to reference the very foundation of the religion?

I am so sick and tired of hearing gospel music that doesn’t even mention The Gospel! When Jesus commissioned us to go out and be fishers of men He commanded us to spread the Good News of freedom found in the Cross. As Christians we are given a second chance at life because of our belief in the Son who defeated the grips of death. But, when we eliminate talking about Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection from the grave what exactly are we doing?

I’ll tell you what, and the answer is not pretty. Without Christ (and the Cross) as the center of Christian worship, believers are practicing idolatry and witchcraft! Yes, I said it because many have been deceived into thinking because certain spiritual manifestations occur within their church services that God is in the midst. The devil is sho’ nuff a liar! Check your scriptures people and go back to the training of Moses before he was released to set the captives free from Egypt. Everything that he was given power to do by God was also accomplished by those who were not God fearing in the least! So, because something seems like a move of God does not necessarily mean that it is from Him. And I can with accurate proclamation say that if your church services are a foot stomping, praise shouting, good time ,without mention of sin and salvation provided by the cross, you have been demonically hoodwinked!

So I say all of that to say this, make sure your worship is of the Son who died for all sins on the Cross. When we leave out Calvary we leave out salvation, which could only result in death in hell’s fire!

The cross people! The cross!!!!

Nikki D