Sunday, April 1, 2012

Look At The Bugs, Fool!

It is officially springtime! The birds are chirping—their preludes beginning at 3:30am (trust me I know). The squirrels and chipmunks are feverishly running around gathering every edible item that can fit snuggly in their already packed jaws. All the cars, houses, EVERYTHING has a distinct layer of yellow pollen film. And my favorite (I’m being extremely facetious), the bugs are swarming, buzzing, and biting by the drones.

As I sat outside this morning, sipping on one of my latest healthy drink concoctions, I noticed the alarming amount of bugs! Now I’m not normally the squeamish type—eek!—but spring time seems to produce MILLIONS of bugs. So as I finished up my drink and looked on the ground, I noticed this beetle. Yea, we’ll call him a beetle since I’m no bug-ologist. Anyway, this particular beetle thought it was okay to invade my space. He marched forcefully into my bubble with no regard for me being much bigger than he, and having the power to end his little buggy life if I felt threatened. To detour his advances, I placed my foot in front of him, and he charged on. Then I placed my empty cup in front of him, and he charged on. I felt myself getting a tad bit annoyed with Mr. Beetle until I chuckled at the bug lesson that immediately arose in my spirit.

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise” (Prov. 6:6). This was the scripture that I thought about. But the Nicole Denise interpretation of that passage is, “Look to the bugs, fool!” This little beetle was on a mission this morning. And apparently, what he was focused on required him to invade my area. So, without concern of his livelihood being threatened, he proceeded to get past me in order to complete his mission. His Christ-like determination outdid the faith of many Christian humans.

When obstacles attempt to hinder us we stop at the roadblock and/or retreat. We complain about the hindrance to God, but never once think of pressing on through the deterrent. Let’s not give into baby complaints anymore this year saints—“This is too hard.” “How am I going to do this all by myself?!” Instead let us look to the tenacity of one little beetle on a mission, and realizes how foolish some of our complaints must sound to God. We serve an all-powerful god who keeps the entire universe intact. So, it is officially time to ditch the Pampers, put on our big girl/boy britches, confess Luke 1:37, and KEEP IT MOVIN’! Don’t let a stupid bug outdo you in the faith department FOOL!

Happy Spring Time…and I still love you although I had to call out your (and my) foolishness today!

Nicole Denise

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Revelation From A Clogged Sink

As I entered my bathroom for the third time this week there remained water in the sink. Now mind you I’ve dealt with this plumbing issue for more than a month now. But, there was something monumentally different about this clog. Since there had been a drainage problem, I’ve ceased use of the bathroom sink until it is fully rectified. However, in the past couple of days I’ve watched water enter the sink from the bottom of the basin. The water was rising from the bottom up.


As I handled my bathroom duties this morning, however, God clearly spoke to me. He said, “I’m taking your life of abundance back to how it was originally planned in Eden. Remember the water to nurture Eden’s vegetation would rise from the bottom of the earth, as there had yet to be the materialization of rain? So, not only will I open up the floodgates of heaven and RAIN blessings down on you that you will not have room enough to receive, in those times of no rain, I’ll irrigate your life from the bottom with my blessings!”

What?! How amazing is God?!

I thought I’d share that revelation with you all today because so many of us are looking to heaven for answers. And that’s awesome, let’s continue. But, God is reestablishing order as He originally intended, so begin to look at those things He’s irrigating from beneath. What is God restoring and bringing back to life at the ground level of your life today? What fields has He brought much needed moisture back to before He rains down from heaven on those situations? Begin to thank God for His “ground water” as He prepares us for the great onslaught of heaven’s rain!

Blessings Good People!

Nikki D

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dwelling Under God’s Focused Light

While reading Genesis 1, the creation story, I found something rather interesting that I had missed on several occasions reading this passage of scriptures. I realized that God called forth light twice—on Day One and Day Four. Why was this so? As my mind pondered and reread this chapter in several translations, I finally understood what God was trying to reveal to me. It’s quite simple; He desires us to dwell under His focused light. Allow me to explain.

Think momentarily. If you are in search of something that is located in a dark room under the bed, it may require the use of two light sources. [S.N. This has actually happened to me recently.] When you enter the room you would click on the main light. This act is equivalent to God’s first command to the universe “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). He needed lighting to see exactly what He was going to create out of this vast expanse of nothingness. And once everything was well lit, God went on to create the heavens, earth, seas, and vegetation. He approved of all these things and called them well. However, just as when I walked into the room, turned on the light, and still couldn’t find what I was looking for under the bed, God required a second lighting as well. Realizing that I needed a flashlight (focused light) in a well lit room got me to thinking about how God illuminates our lives.

When we think of our first coming to the knowledge of God there was this Great light bulb that was instantly made aglow within us. All things were new (and well lit), and old things had passed away. Like God’s newly lit workspace, we were indeed a new creation. However, as God readied Himself to create animals and His most prized creation, man, He required more intense lighting from the sun and the moon. I coin this stage the “second lighting”. And it is during this second lighting, that God reveals those things stashed “under our beds” that need to be cleared out.

As we become more and more like Christ, God purposely illuminates those areas that require correction and cleaning. So, the moral of this story would have to be search out God’s focused light in your life. What are those areas that He is attempting to bring to your attention through focused lightening? How many times does He have to place the spotlight on certain areas before you cooperatively allow Him to change them? What is God revealing to you under a specified spotlight?

Now for the record, this type of lighting may be uncomfortable because “all eyes are on you”, but trust that under the watchful eye of a loving Father, only the best creations are fashioned. So, today allow God to mold you into what He desires under His guidance, and shy not from dwelling in (and under) His focused lighting.

Be blessed good people.

Nikki D

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Idolatry of God

With first glance at the title, this phrase may seem oxymoronic because aren’t Christians to idolize God. Well, the short answer to that inquiry is yes AND no. Allow me to explain. Through study of God’s word and observation of current societal trends I have noticed a growing enticement of Satan’s deception. And this one is so completely twisted, because it involves the use of the Creator Himself. There are several individuals who identify with the Christian faith and would go as far to deem themselves “Christians”. However, in the words of the Father, “…this people draw near Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips but remove their hearts and minds far from Me, and their fear and reverence for Me are a commandment of men that is learned by repetition [without any thought as to the meaning].”(Isaiah 29:13 AMP)

Wow! There are literally establishments of Christian origin where parishioners worship God and partake in the many traditions of Christianity (communion, washing of feet, casting out of spirits, praying, fasting, etc.), but their practiced mechanics lack heart. People in such churches and organizations have been a part of this charades game for so long that they are oblivious to the fact that GOD is not associated with their worship. They are being led by demons, seducing spirits, familiar spirits, and those who impersonate the acts of God; and are completely clueless! Don’t think for two seconds that demons can’t preach the house down like any other godly preacher—it’s possible, and it’s happening!

I’ll prove it. Think back for a moment to Moses in the Bible. When He was sent to Pharaoh by God to demand that He set the children of Israel free, remember what happened? Every sign and wonder God gave Moses to perform (rod turning to serpent, turning Nile river to blood, etc.), Pharaoh had his own team of magicians who were capable of the same thing (see Exodus 7)! This is still present today people. Satan has up’d the ante and is using the Prince of Peace to push his product to those immune to the detriments of “rules and regulations” Christianity. It is imperative that as Christians we know God, and not just know about Him. We must formulate a personal relationship with Him through daily Bible reading, prayer, meditation on the Word of God, and routine dying to self. For this is the only way we give God the pure worship that He requires of His followers (see John 4:24).

It’s amazing the number of “believers” I come into contact with who live in fear, follow their own desires and lusts, habitually live in sin, and hate earthly brothers and sisters, and yet call themselves Christians. NOT SO! God is making the separation between those who truly love Him (see John 14:15; 21; 23) and those who mechanically worship Him like any other genie or lucky charm. It’s time to know for certain that you follow the true and living God, and not a watered down version of him being superimposed by your local community demon. This battle is real and you better know for certain that God knows you because of the personal relationship that validates you as His.

Wearing a crucifix around your neck is no longer going to cut the mustard. As a matter of fact take that off because Christ is alive, well, and waiting for your pure and unadulterated worship!

Nikki D